Part 1 of 5

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"We should get married."


Wind Archer was washing the dishes, while his boyfriend, Fire Spirit, sat at the kitchen table and had his daily cup of coffee.

Wind Archer smiled at the dishes which clearly did not respond. (I mean what do you think-/j)

"You heard me! It has been....two or three years, after all."

Fire Archer gave him a glare and focused on clearing up the table, which was covered with coffee now. And some of the bread he was chewing. He then cleared his throat.

"Well I would say OF COURSE but you have to propose because I would probably piss myself trying to."


"It's true!"

"Well then, honey, I'll do it!"

"Like that wasn't already decided!"

Wind Archer chuckled.

Fire Spirit laughed with him.

"Right now?"

"You don't have a ring to do it right now but eh, you could."

"Nonono, I want it to be brilliant."

Fire Spirit nodded.

"Sounds smart."

He then looked up at Wind and smiled.

"Surprise me!"


"Surprise me!"

Those words rang in Wind's mind as he sat at Moonlight's cafe. Stars dangled from the ceiling, and jellies were stocked to the brim in her cafe. Fitting with the whole 'universe' theme, planet murals were painted across the walls. There were many people(cookies?) in the cafe, showing how popular it is.

"Are you done yet?"

"Wait, you know I'm super duper busy!"

Wind sighed, getting up from his seat.

"Sorry, if you're busy I'll just go-"

"No, it's fine, I swear! Just gimme a minute. Or ten."

Wind nodded to the air and sat back down.

While he was waiting, he thought of how he and Fire met.

Not on the best of terms, at first.


"I'm paired with THIS GUY?"

Fire screeched in anger, pointing an accusing finger at Wind.

"I don't like arguing but do *you* think *I* want to be paired with you??" Wind shot back.

Sea Fairy watched the two fight with a silent, annoyed face.

Moonlight just sort of...stood there.

Frost Queen shrugged, gave a deep sigh, and opened the door.

"I have better things to do than watch two childish kids fight." She declared, walking out not unlike a really frustrated cat.

Millennial Tree groaned in anger, something that he wasn't prone to.

"You guys made Frost Queen leave!"

Fire frowned at him, equally pissed.

"Not my fault! I am not going to freaking LIVE with WIND ARCHER!"

Firewind Marriage ArcWhere stories live. Discover now