Chapter 8: CCTV

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Wei Wuxian slipped on to his husband's lap as he took control of the keyboard and tried to get a better view of the screen. In response, Lan Wangji made more room for him, placing his chin on his husband's shoulder before watching the screen as well.

Wei Wuxian fiddled with the time and picture until he saw his brother walking up to the front desk with Zizhen. Wuxian opened up the CCTV footage of two of the main floor cameras to get a clear view of all three parties. He frowned as he watched Li Hua's usually kind face looking like she'd swallowed a lemon as she turned her nose up at Jiang Cheng.

Glancing at the other camera's point of view Zizhen was showing clear signs of being pissed. For the moment he was keeping quiet, but his eyes were glaring daggers at the woman across from them. Despite Zizhen not saying anything as of then it was clear that Li Hua and Jiang Cheng were.

Wei Wuxian frowned, confused, checking the settings and growling,

"Damn it, I can't hear what they're saying! Why is the mood so off?!"

Lan Zhan shrugged, unsure as well, as Wei Wuxian pouted resolving to add microphones to the cameras in the future, even though this was not even his own office. At least he was able to see the screen which he paid close attention to.

After a few minutes of muted chat, and with a dramatic flair that made Wei Wuxian smile a little, Jiang Cheng disappeared from the two current CCTV views. Pausing the time stamp Wei Ying went back to the main first floor CCTV section looking for where his brother went, clicking once he found him. Due to this CCTV camera's placement he could only really see the back of JC and ZIzhen's heads as they moved for now.

As they were almost at the elevators a Lan employee stepped in front of them engaging them in conversation. Because the man was facing towards the camera Wei Wuxian got a good view of his expressions. The employee in question's nose was half turned up and even from behind Wei Wuxian could tell that Zizhen was barely suppressing his anger, which was something to see even from his angle since Zizhen was normally the nicest guy around.

The Lan Employee looked at Wuxian's brother quite condescendingly, which caused Wuxian to try to decipher his brother's mood by looking at his back.

Jiang Cheng's usually straight and rigid shoulders were slightly sagged, telling Wei Wuxian that he was not happy with what was going on and was perhaps trying to protect himself a little. Bothered by this, Wei Wuxian zoomed in to get a better look at his hands and saw that Jiang Cheng was shaking. Although Wei Wuxian wasn't sure if the shaking was from fear or rage he still found himself absolutely livid.

In fact, Wuxian nearly broke the screen, but thankfully Lan Zhan, who was very attuned to his husband's body language and nature had firmly pulled his arms back using his sleeves, lessening the damage inflicted on the computer and reminding himself to order a military grade cover for next time.

Wuxian continued to watch, upset, but even more concerned about what was going on with his brother. When Wei Wuxian saw Zizhen block the random worker from entering the elevator Wei Wuxian practically cheered, feeling some form of low level vindication at least.

As the door closed Wuxian felt somewhat relieved. He wasn't sure what the two workers problems had been, but Jiang Cheng would soon be with his Xichen and likely forget about the Lan peons that had messed with him so childishly. He'd surely feel better than.

Switching to a 90th floor CCTV that was facing the elevator, Wei Wuxian watched waiting for Jiang Cheng and Zizhen to emerge from it, hoping that the remainder of the trip went smoothly and was uneventful. When minutes passed Wei Wuxian tried to use a slow fast forward, but still no brother emerged or could be seen even when the minutes caught up with the current time.

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