Jun couldn't take her eyes off of the pictures, it looked like a blob on the paper, she was only around two months pregnant. But it was still so amazing to her. 

"Just go to the counter to schedule your next appointment. Hopefully dad will be here for the next one." Dr. Z smiled at her, "Have a good day Jun." It got quiet after she stepped into the waiting room. Two girls were sitting in the chair close to the exit, they starred at her, eyes wide. Jun smiled and waved, going to the front counter. The receptionist was even acting different, her smile was now awkward, not making eye contact with Jun like she was before. Did I do something wrong? Did she leak that I'm pregnant? 

She shook her head, there was no way she would. Not to boast, but she Jun could ruin her whole life if she did it. Plus this doctor was known for getting celebrities and pro hero's, why would she do it this one time? 

"Okay, Dr. Z would like to see you by this time next month, is Friday at 3 okay with you?" 

"Yes, of course," Jun couldn't lie, she would stop the world from rotating if it meant she got to see this blob grow into a baby. 

"So she has no idea you're pregnant with his baby too?" The girl wasn't exactly whispering.

This peaked Jun's attention, her eyes met with the receptionist's, who gave an uneasy look to Jun. 

"No Bakugou told me to keep quiet." 

Bakugou? Bakugou? There had to be another Bakugou, maybe his cousin? Or maybe it was more common than she thought. Jun could feel her stomach fluttering, slowly turning around to see the girl was now standing up, her obviously pregnant belly sticking out. She looked nervous, she tried to hide her uneasiness, but when their eyes met it was confirmed for the both of them.

Bakugou was a cheater, and just got caught. 

"No.. No no no no," Jun started to breathe heavy, sitting down in the nearest seat. "Katsuki.. he?" 

The girl bit her lip, pulling her phone out of her purse to show her pictures of them cuddling in a bed. "I-I'm sorry, we only had sex once, I swear. It just, I was drunk and he was too. I'm so so sorry. I wasn't going to say anything, Bakugou also paid me enough money to keep it quiet." She rambled, her eyes starting to water as Jun started to cry. 

"It- I- Can I just have your number? I need some air." Jun walked to the exit, "Actually, can you give her my number?" She looked at the receptionist. "I need to go," Jun ran to her car, tears running freely down her cheeks as she covered her face with her hands. She couldn't believe that Bakugou could be so heartless. He saved her, he saved her so many times throughout the UA attacks, from her parents. How could he do this to her? How long has this been going on? Did he talk about having a baby with her? Did he plan on leaving Jun for some kid?  

Jun tried everything she could to hold in her scream, punching the steering wheel and her legs multiple times to try and stop it. 

Her car door opened, she looked over to see Keigo standing there with a sad look in his eyes. "Is it okay?" he asked softly, completely different from earlier. He was squatted down, looking up at Jun who looked down at her phone before handing it over to him. 

"Pregnancy looks perfect so far, but my husband isn't." 

Hawks was confused, he was just seen Bakugou arresting a villain. He didn't even get there in time, ended up getting a snack and coming back over here to check on Jun. He took the phone, looking at the message she opened. It was pictures of Bakugou laying with a blonde girl, in a random hotel room from how it looked. There were multiple pictures, even screenshots of conversations between the girl and Bakugou discussing the baby.

Hawks frowned, looking back up at the girl who was a mess in the drivers seat. The feathers from his wings detached, picking Jun up from her seat and moving her around to the passenger seat. 

"Wh-at are you doing?" she hiccupped, shaking her head, "I need to go home."

"Jun, I'm not letting you go home to a fucking cheater." he stated, "I'm taking you to my house, you can choose whichever room you want. Hell, take my room. I'll sleep in the guest." Jun said nothing as Hawks started to drive towards his house. Even with Jun's eyes being swollen shut, she could tell Hawks wasn't used to driving. He didn't need to with the wings on his back, but it did help distract her from the harsh reality she was given. 

"I need clothes," Jun whispered, looking up at Hawks house. It was the complete opposite of hers, not as many windows and was more dark. It was more comforting than her house, that was for sure. 

"I can go get your stuff." Keigo stated, leading her to the front door. "The code to get in is 55879. I'll text it to you if you forget." He opened the door, stepping aside to let her in. "Is there anything specific you want?" 

Jun took a deep breath, "Just grab whatever looks comfy in the walk in closet. Everything is in the closet so don't worry about looking for anything." Jun sat on the couch, looking around his home. "Thank you, Keigo."

Keigo shook his head, "No need to thank me, I'm sure Mina would do this too." Jun nodded, looking down at her phone. "Keigo, can you do something else for me?" she asked, making Keigo's eyebrow raise. 

"Are you serious?"    

AAAAAANNNNDDD a cliff hanger, I love it. :)

But also, please don't be a ghost reader it helps me determine which book I should update, the more attention a story gets the more it gets updated. (hope that doesn't sound bitchy im sorry) BUT I HOPE YOU LIKE THE UPDATE

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