October 31st, 1982

60 0 0

New Harmony's police station, 12:31.

Everything after that was a blurry mess of awful, shaking grief. He had run inside, cradling Charlotte in his arms. Someone had called an ambulance, they had shut the doors of the diner, and Henry's mind had just... stopped.

It felt like he 'woke up' at the police station. He had a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, a cup of coffee in his hands, and an officer was talking with [___] a few feet away.

Henry kept his eyes on the floor. He didn't want to talk. He didn't want to explain what happened, he didn't want to explain that it was his fault that she had died. He didn't want to explain that he hadn't been staying close enough, that he hadn't been watching.

He didn't want to have to admit it to himself that he hadn't gotten there in time.

"-any idea what happened?" [___]'s voice was urgent, commanding. She had always managed to keep calm under pressure, managed to take control of every terrible situation.

The officer was obviously uneasy. "Ma'am, we-"

"I want answers! Stop keeping us in the dark, pretending you're doing things, and find out who the hell did this to my daughter!"

A small hand tapped on Henry's knee, and he lifted his head to see Samuel's worried expression.

"Papa?" The boy whispered. Henry blinked a little- Sam almost never spoke unless it was to Charlotte.

"Yeah, bud?" It came out weak, pathetic. He had obviously been crying. Unfitting. He thought, somewhat in a daze, trying to focus on Samuel. Men don't cry. Especially Miller men. Millers don't cry.

Sammy hesitated, glancing down at the floor. "W-where's Charlie..?"

Henry took a deep breath, then broke down again, covering his face and sobbing quietly. Sammy looked alarmed- clearly, he hadn't wanted this to happen. He crawled up into Henry's lap and put his arms around his neck.

"Don't cry! It's gonna be okay, I pwomise."

Henry smiled at him blankly- then jerked up, a large commotion waking him out of his haze of grief. From down the hall, he heard angry voices; a commanding tone and aggressive shouting. He gently scooped Samuel up and set him on the ground, tugging the blanket off and clutching the cup of coffee like a lifeline as he walked over to see what was happening.

"Sir, you and your kids can't be-"

"You don't understand we need to get to- Henry!"

Oh no.

Oh no. He recognized that accent.

A figure came skidding down the hall, and Henry found himself wrapped in a hug from his closest friend and business partner, William Afton. The cop he had been arguing with looked slightly bemused, still holding the sign-in papers he had obviously refused to sign. Michael, the oldest, was standing next to her and holding [__] and Elizabeth back.

"What are you doing here?"

Henry grimaced as William stepped back to glare at [___], his smile dimming. "We heard what happened. Henry is my friend, you know."

She narrowed her eyes, walking towards them. "And you immediately came here? Couldn't you have waited to send a sympathy letter? This is a family matter, Afton. If I recall right, you are not family."

William's glare darkened. "Like a card could-"

"Hey!" Henry chuckled nervously, passing the cup of coffee to the other man. "William, why don't we take this outside? Michael, Elizabeth, [__]- you three can hang out here with Samuel."

A Slow, Quiet Descent Into MadnessWhere stories live. Discover now