You heard the tile slide, and turned around to see her staring at the person.

"Wait- (y/n), did you just kill someone?" she asked frantically.

"Oh my goodness! I didn't even think of that-" you rushed to his side, brushing his hair out of his face and lowering your ear to his mouth. He was breathing. You sighed in relief, standing up proudly.

"No. He's asleep," you said, placing your hands on your hips.

She smiled. "Good. What does he have?" she pondered, walking over and taking the satchel off of his arm. She opened it and looked inside.

"Rapunzel, you can't just go through people's things," you giggled.

"Why not?" she shrugged. "What do you think this is?" She held a large metal ring with jewels arranged on one side.

"I don't know," you said. Rapunzel put it around her wrist.

"That doesn't look right," you said. She shrugged again and placed it back in the satchel, handing the whole thing to you.

"You don't look right," she mumbled, sticking out her tongue childishly.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" you said, looking through the small bag. You pulled out a sheet of paper.

You raised your eyebrows. It was a wanted poster -- and the person passed out on the ground's face was plastered on it. At least, you thought it was him; the nose on the poster was more bulbous than his actual nose.

"Wanted, dead or alive," you read, "Flynn Rider. Huh," you said, handing the poster to Rapunzel. You turned around and picked up The Tales of Flynnigan Rider.

"He was named after the book," you marveled.

"Forget the satchel," Rapunzel said, tossing it into a nearby pot, "what do we do with him? We can't just leave him lying there."

"Ooh! Hand me that chair," you said.

In less than ten minutes, you and Rapunzel had managed to get Flynn Rider into the chair.

"You should hide," you said.

"Fine, but I'm not going back down there. I'll stay in the kitchen," she argued.

"Sure. Now I just have to wake him up," you observed. You cleared your throat.
You tapped his shoulder.
You sighed and kicked him in the shin.
He jumped out of the chair, hopping on one foot.

"Probably should've tied him up," you mumbled. That's when he noticed you, looking you over before meeting your eyes and saying, "Hi."

You narrowed your eyes and backed up, looking around for your frying pan before spotting it on the floor and hastily picking it up, and pointing it at him.

"How did you find us?" you questioned.

"Us?" he looked around.

"Me. How did you find... me," you corrected. You stepped forward and raised the pan.

"Whoa! Easy with the pan, killer," he reasoned, holding out his hands to show he meant no harm.

"Answer the question," you demanded, stepping closer.

He also took a step closer. "I found this place by accident. I promise. Now could you put the pan dow- no. Oh, no! Where is it?"

Flynn Rider was now frantically patting himself down.

"You mean, the satchel?" you asked, "It's somewhere you'll never find it." You watched him look around with a triumphant look on your face.

His dark eyes found the pot, and he started toward it. You raised the frying pan, but before he could reach the pot, Rapunzel had scurried to it and snatched the satchel.

"Oh," Flynn said plainly, "'us'."

Rapunzel ran and hid behind you, handing you the satchel. You slung it across your torso, readying your pan.

"That's some seriously long hair, blondie," he said. "Hold on- that's mine!"

You raised the pan menacingly and lifted your eyebrows.

"Just give it to me and I'll leave. Okay?" he offered. Rapunzel stepped out from behind you and said, "We want to see the lights." Your eyes lit up. You'd never make it on your own, Mother's words echoed in your head.

"The... lights?" He looked to you and then back to her. She walked over to the mural of the floating lights and gestured to it.

"You mean the lantern thing they do for the princess?" He cocked his head. He eyed the satchel and you held up the pan.

"I will use this," you warned.

"Lanterns! I knew they weren't stars," Rapunzel said wistfully.

"Okay, I really need that back," Flynn said as he walked toward you.

"No!" you shouted.

"Take us to see these... lanterns, and we will return your satchel to you," Rapunzel reasoned, stepping in between the two of you and stretching out her hands. You were so proud of her.

"I guess I'll just have to use the smolder," Flynn said, glancing at you.

"What's the smolder?" Rapunzel asked, backing away. Flynn took a few steps toward you and you raised your frying pan yet again. Then, he gave you his most sultry look. You continued to glare at him while Rapunzel burst out laughing.

"Yeah, this isn't working," Flynn frowned, "it usually does."

"You heard the deal," Rapunzel told him.

"Fine!" he groaned. "I'll take you to see the stupid lanterns." Rapunzel visibly flinched at the word "stupid".

"Yes!" you squealed. You hugged Rapunzel.

"Let's get this done sooner rather than later, shall we?" she said. "We leave now. Right now."

Flynn stood on the windowsill and lowered himself down. He began to scale the rocks with two arrows he had. Why hadn't he drawn them on you guys?

Rapunzel let her hair down. Flynn shouted in astonishment. You stood on the windowsill and turned to face her.

"We're really gonna do this?" you asked at the same time. She giggled while you stood there, uncertain.

"Yes," she said finally. "I have to see those lanterns, and I have to have you there with me."

And with that, you turned and slid down your little sister's hair and felt grass against your bare feet for the first time.

Antigravity             (Flynn Rider x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now