3. Clue of the Wooden Map

Start from the beginning

I was very good at hunting. I didn't ever brag about it but I knew I had a skill for it. I could use arrows, knives, darts and my favourite, a cross bow. I knew how to through knives as that was most useful in hunting. So I figured I'd just use this little knife and try to through it into the squirrels torso.

I tut "it isn't an easy shot"

"Bet you won't get it" Annie says

"I bet against that" I say, eyeing up my shot "Be quiet Annie please"

And she turns around since she doesn't want to look

I aim the knife at the squirrel that's still on the tree, I don't want to hit it in a place that it'll cause pain I just want it dead quickly. We're all survivors out here and this is what you do to survive.

And just like that I through the knife and it goes flying through the air and finds it's home in the squirrels upper chest. Probably hitting the heart.

"Is it done?" Annie says taking her hands away from her eyes

"Yup no blood too"

"Phew. Poor squirrel" Annie gives me a frown

"Poor fish that you eat every day, Annie"

"Fair enough" Annie says

I go and retrieve my target and Its true I do feel a little bit bad for my prey but I try not to a fox might've ate it tonight anyway. I can tell it's an old squirrel by the little grey furs so it looks like it's lived a good life. I put it in my bramble bag, separate from the brambles of course.

"Right Annie let's go"

"Okay" Annie starts ahead of me

"We reach the gate at last and it looks like around 4pm from the angle of the sun so I now I should get home a help with dinner. I know my sisters and mother will be happy about the brambles and squirrel.

Me and Annie talk about random stuff on the way back before I get to my house as we always teach it first. When I get there I give Annie a hug and a wave goodbye then tell her I'll see her at school on Monday. I get in the house and say, loading my voice "Guess what I got.."

Both of my sisters shout from upstairs in unison "What?"

"Come down and see" I laugh

"They both come running downstairs as I meet my mother in the kitchen"

"What is it?" Ainsley grins, already downstairs

"Tell us, V" Alder pleads

"Very special, in season, brambles!"

"Yay!" Alder shouts

And they both look through the bra,now bag I placed on the table

"Ewww dead squirrel" Ainsley says

"Just as well you caught that Ive barley any food for dinner today" Mother says sipping her tea

"Yeah there's some canned beans and milk in the cupboard from yesterday" I say

"Mmmm" Ainsley says, popping a bramble into her mouth. "Delish"

"Can I have more?" A mouthful alder says "Keep them for dessert and I'll get some more tomorrow"

"Aww okay" frowns alder

"Go warm up the fire, alder" mother smiles

"okay!" And alder obeys, so proud to be able to help

"Alright I'm gonna start on this squirrel"

I help mother make dinner and Ainsley sets the table. I skin the squirrel and take out all the nasty stuff the mother heats up the beans and rice under the fire in the living room. I use the fire in the kitchen to cook the squirrel on a stick and cook it nice and crispy.
When the beans and rice are ready we put a bit each on four plates and I cut up the squirrel and put some of it on the plates too, giving my sisters and mother the good bits.

"Dinners ready!" Mother calls and we all sit down for dinner.

"Have you took anything from the capital, sweetie?" Mother asks looking concerned

"No don't worry mum, I've never done that." I say, and I know I'm lying

The reason she's asking is obviously since the reaping is soon and she doesn't want my name in any more. I know I've took things from the capital during winter when there was barley any luck in hunting but I try to not to do it.

"That's good. And I don't want you two cheeky monkeys doing it either." Mom giggles to the twins and they laugh to agreeing they won't.

"Squirrel is lovely, Viridian" Ainsley tries to be posh, sarcastically

"yeah it's amazing" Alder says stuffing her face with squirrel. 

"Thanks guys" I smile

When I finish I feel tired so I just decided to go to sleep and tell my sisters they can eat as many brambles as they want for dessert.

When I go into my room that I share with my sisters I lay down on my cold bed and look out to see. I can also see the one of the capitals aircrafts landing in.

A/N: hey babes it's literally been ages since my last update but I kinda missed writing and I'll see how this chapter goes maybe write another cause I do love writing but yah hope you enjoyed :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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