chapter 1: godly intervention

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Heroes for the greater good

This is a BNHA Warhammer 40k crossover.

This story was actually voted on ages ago when I was still writing Death Korps Hero but I kind of forgot about it when GW pulled their usual BS around fan works. So to those who had looked forwards to this I apologise for the delay. For those who were reading Darkest Hero it will continue on.

Please note that Tzeetch will be a bit confusing to read and that is on purpose. One second they are a female entity with a cat head and human hands, the next they are a male octopus with feathers and a pair of feet instead of eyes, that is just the nature of the god and I apologise in advance for how headache inducing it will be to read, I hate writing like that so I'll endevor to write the god of change as little as possible in the story.

Yes this is a story about demonic entities screwing with reality if it offends your religious beliefs then please read something else instead of sending dozens of PMs with text from religious texts decrying me as a sinner who deserves to rot in a lake of fire which I received while writing Darkest Hero. Not only is this annoying it borders on harassment at times furthermore why the heck do you do this every time I post? it is childish, just unfollow my account if you are that offended. To those who are able to handle it without going hyper religious, thankyou.

To avoid any complaints here is the current warning list. Contains: romance, swearing, body horror, lemons, violence, death, demons, daemons, daemonic gods, supernatural themes and gore.

Chapter 1: Godly intervention.

Magnus was old, that was a fact. Even though he had survived the curse that turned his sons to ashes he himself was now too turning to ash within his armor, it was not the work of any curse, weapon or virus but simply time. Looking back on his long life he could only lament on all his mistakes, probably the worst being how he tried to warn his father about Horus. But such things mattered not anymore. Here he was, kneeling knees deep in the blood and gore of the world eaters who had at one point held command over the ship the Conquerer. Before him, twisted and fused to the pilot's chair by daemonic tendrils and fractured metal was a black haired human woman, a bloodied hand print was visible on the tattered remains of her uniform amists several pipes that fed into her chest and abdomen. Next to her laid the headless body of what was once Khârne the betrayer, the finest mortal champion of the blood god. With a weary breath he brought his hand to the head of the drooling corpse of a woman before crushing their skull to a meaty pulp with a wet squelch and crunch.

"There. My task is done." Magnus panted as he fell to his side, his legs now nothing but ash as his hands started to crumble. "As you promised Tzeetch you must help humanity." With a final breath the primarch was no more than a pile of ash slowly soaking up the blood that it sat in.

Within the warp Tzeetch blinked all ten dozen of her eyes owlishly before he huffed in annoyance. Old gnarled hands reached out through the warp looking for a suitable target to help humanity as little as possible while still fulfilling the bare minimum of the deal. His feathered hands eventually settled on a Tau craft stranded amists a warp storm currently dealing with some of her pink horrors. It was a simple matter for her to snatch up one of each cast through the lack of Gellar field on the craft  as her tentacles grabbed a cosmically large glass jar to store each in as his single eye blinked at the five Tau trying to break free, none able to perceive them asides the ethereal who was shaking with fear, her eyes trained directly on the quivering tau who stared back in horror.

"Hmm, these will do." It hummed as the ethereal fainted. His hands clasped the bottle and shoot vigorously liquifying the tau inside. "Now, harvest the knowledge from these ones and send it to a human to help humanity." The now dog headed being hummed as its crab claw let go of the container. "Ill send it to a side reality! Keeps the contract valid. Poor magnus didn't know what he was betting the fool."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2021 ⏰

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