Chapter 1-The New Modern

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Fritz snapped out of his memory, looking around. Oh yeah. He needed to get the supplies back to Betomeg before the new wave of probes arrived. He made sure all the resources were together.

After coming to the conclusion everything was in order, he slung his Beaten up old book bag over his shoulder and walked out of the rubble, which two years prior, was

known as Kenable high school.

He ran across the cracked road quickly, climbing the old retail building. He walked to the ledge. He looked over the town. It looked as if a burning tornado ran through it. Though, that analogy wasn't that far off from the truth. The Protogens have some insane weapons of mass destructions in their arsenal

Fritz took a few steps back, before jumping off the building and landing on another flawlessly. He ran and jumped across the rooftops in quick succession. But why is he using this overly complicated way of travel when the seemingly empty street below was also an option?

Fritz's foot slipped off the ledge he was shimmying across, and he fell into the dark alley below. The old trash in the dumpster he fell in thankfully broke his fall. As he stumbled out of the dumpster, he rubbed his head.

As the ringing in his ears went away. He heard the unmistakable growling of a dog He froze, slowly turning his head to the right. All he saw in the darkness was the visors with angry expressions on they're glowing red faces. The pack of dogs emerged from the darkness, Protogen visors showing proudly on Their faces.

"Shit..." Fritz pulled out his makeshift dagger, gripping it tightly as he backed away from the hounds.

They walked closer, growling demonically. Finally, one of them lunged at Fritz. He ducked, dragging the sharp piece of scrap metal though the dog's underbelly, slicing it open cleanly.

Fritz didn't have time to stare at the dogs suffering as the next dog jumped at him. He jumped off the way as it slammed its head into the wall. Before it had time to recover, Fritz plunged the dagger into the dog's spine, ripping it out quickly to stab the other dog, through the glass visor, and in its eye.

He pulled the dagger out quickly, getting up and dusting himself off. Two years before, he would have probably thrown up everywhere. But you're gonna have to toughen up eventually if you're going to survive the Alien apocalypse.

He quickly climbed up the fire escape, going back to travel across the rooftops.

Finally, he reached the outskirts of town, where Jacky was waiting for him, looking worried and angry.

'Aw fuck. I must've taken longer than I thought... Fritz sighed as he jumped off the low building, rolling onto the ground and landing perfectly on his feet. He walked toward Jacky timidly. "H-Hey Jacky! What's with the long face? Toaster got your nose?" Jacky slugged him in the arm "Where the hell were you!?"

"For your information, Parkour is hard!" Fritz rubbed his aching shoulder with a scowl. Jacky just sighed "Sorry.. I just worry for you sometimes."

Fritz patted his friend's shoulder. "Jacky, come on. We've been ahead of the toasters for

two years now, and we're only getting better at avoiding them. I'll be fine." Jacky, reassured, smiled and hugged him.

"Hey! Woah! Ow! Easy!" Fritz chuckled through the agony of pressure on his still broken rib.

They made sure they were not being followed, and walked to the seemingly empty clearing, and walked right through the cloaking field.

The enormous Building, Made only a year back, enhanced with Protogen technology to keep it hidden. Camp Betomeg.

"Feels good to be home." Fritz chuckled and he strolled to the supply vault and dropped off his things. He walked to his room, taking off his jacket and boots. He threw his dagger at the wall, and it stuck there. He flopped onto his bed. He dreaded night watch. He'd rather sneak into a Protogen base of operations,

He fell asleep eventually, due to being so exhausted.

A few hours later, Fritz was shaken out of bed. He jumped awake, growling at Onasa.

"I'm up, jeez." Onasa Negima, the boss of Betomeg, was very strict with how things worked "You're three minutes late, Herelda. In those three minutes, the Protogens may have found our base."

Fritz rolled his eyes. "Well, they didn't, soooo.." He pulled on his boots. Onasa sighed, walking out of the room. "Just get to your post."

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