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epsom - the derby day. michael and a very pissed off matilda were on strict orders not to leave small-heath for the day. so begrudgedly, in matilda's case, that's what they did.

when tommy appeared in matilda's office an hour or so before midnight, she couldn't stop the wave of relief that washed over her. she knew the plan for today, and she knew how horribly wrong it could have gone.

"where's michael?" tommy asked as he took out a cigarette after the pair had exchanged greetings.

"still at his desk. probably asleep." matilda replied.

tommy hummed in response. matilda watched him for a few seconds, searching for any hint of how the day went in the form of facial expressions.

"come on then. let's go see him - i want to speak to both of you." tommy said with a breath of smoke, then turning and moving towards the door.

matilda sighed, and stood up to follow the man to michael's desk; he was asleep, as matilda had predicted, though that was disrupted by tommy kicking the corner of the man's desk.

"polly and i had a bet," tommy started, continuing to walk toward his office. michael groaned as he stood up, then waiting to meet matilda at the corner of his desk and greeted the woman with a smile. the pair followed tommy into the office.

"one of us bet, you'd take the money and go. 'nd one of us bet you'd still be here." tommy continued, not looking up from his drinks cabinet.

"she wants me to stay." micheal said.

"hm, you know something michael - what polly wants, will always be a mystery to me." tommy replied. matilda scoffed at the comment, then moving further into the office towards tommy's desk, where he was currently pouring three glasses of whisky.

"i've decided i want to make real money, with you." micheal spoke. matilda couldn't hide her smile as she looked up at the man beside her, then she turned to watch tommy raise his glass to michael.

michael clinked his own glass against tommy's, then drinking. all three took a seat in the chairs behind them.

"i've got some ideas, for the future of the company. and also, i'm planning on getting married."

"what? where the fuck 'as that come from?" matilda instantly replied with, an eyebrow raised as she stared at tommy with an incredulous expression on her face.

michael couldn't hide the smirk on his face at the woman's reaction, turning to watch her with what could only be described as a true, deep emotion in his eyes.

michael really was falling for matilda.

and that's the end of this book! bit of a shit ending i may change it at a later date - though keep an eye out for part two coming soon, it's already being planned ;) thank you all for all the support x

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