- NINE -

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early the next morning, john pulled the van up next to polly's house, blowing the horn loudly. matilda sat next to him wrapped in a new big fur coat, laughing as an old woman a few doors down stared at them from her front garden. tommy was the other side of her watching polly's front door, waiting for the appearance of his cousin.

it flew open.
"this is a respectable fucking neighbourhood!" polly shouted at them. michael appeared a couple of minutes later and climbed in the back.

"john, the cabs smoking. pull over." matilda said halfway through hers and the two brother's conversation.

the man did exactly that, tommy huffing in frustration. he got out, taking one look at the front of the van and then walking round to the back where the boys sat.

"she's heating up curly, take a look." tommy said as he opened the back up. matilda moved from where she was huddled up in her coat, instantly regretting it when the cold hit her as she stepped out of the cab.

she went and stood next to john, stealing his cigar and taking a puff of it before placing it back between his lips. matilda noticed michael unwrapping something he'd just got out his bag.

"she made loads, do you want one?" michael said as he reached a sandwich out towards arthur, who had a very confused look on his face.

matilda nudged john, who turned to watch in amusement.

"what the bloody hells that." arthur said as he eyed the sandwich.

"sandwiches. ham i think. we've got shrimp paste too. there's tea - we'll have to take turns though cause there's only one cup." michael replied. john instantly snatched the flask which held the tea.

michael looked up at the face arthur was pulling.


"yeah." michael replied, eyes flickering between arthur and matilda, as she moved over to the pair leaning on the side of the truck next to arthur.

"polly made bloody sandwiches?" arthur questioned.

"as in our polly? we're talking about the same woman?" matilda questioned.

"what's this, teddy bears fucking picnic?" charlie asked with the usual grumbling tone as he looked at the tea he'd been given in confusion. matilda giggled.

tommy cleared his throat.
"alright. we will drink the tea and eat the sandwiches and then we will drive on. all right? no crumbs charlie." he said, patting his uncle on the shoulder.

matilda leaned over the back door of the truck and grabbed a sandwich from beside michael, sending him a smile as thanks as she eyed the sandwich cautiously. she turned and walked towards the cab as the boys shouted at each other.

"alright lads - and lady. this is a respectable event and you'll all behave accordingly. no weapons, no drinking. john, we will stay together. when our horse comes up, i'll bid - and i want you next to me checking it all." tommy said, pointing at tilly.
"for the rest of the time, you stay with michael." he continued, matilda gave a nod from beside him.
"i've already registered with the auctioneer, so he knows to expect my bids." tommy said as they reached the top of the stair case.

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