Epilogue: Say Pal!

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A crow swooped down over a lonely house in the woods. Only a single light lit up the night inside. Wilson was secluded to his room in the attic to get away from his parents for a while. Wilson's parents had left hours ago and he was glad to have the alone time. He was a extremely smart kid in science and math but didn't have the greatest grades in things like Social Studies and English. At the moment he was trying to conduct a science experiment. He held a vial above some sort of liquid. One drip fell down into the liquid and "Boom". The mixture back fired into his face. Wilson rubbed the mess off of him and sat back in a chair. He sat for a while wondering what he did wrong. At that very moment the radio turned on. There was a bit of static then it stopped. "Say pal, looks like you're having some trouble! Wilson looked over in amazement at the radio. Was it talking to him? "I have secret knowledge I can share with you if you think you are ready for it." Said the man on the radio. Wilson stood up quickly and held the radio in front of him. He nodded his head. "Ok then!" Wilson held the radio above his head as the entire room spun around him. All of this newfound knowledge entering his brain hurt, yet he put the pain aside for the sake of science. Then the radio stopped and the room was at a standstill. Wilson put his arms down and had a happy grin on his face. Then he got to work getting everything ready for what he was about to build. Wilson grabbed his mice and tied them together. Over at his typewriter he started typing out his plan. After he grabbed some tools he started creating the masterpiece. One last thing was needed. Wilson grabbed a knife and drew his own blood to put into the concoction. Once he was finished he stood in amazement at what he had built. The radio buzzed once more and the voice came back. "Excellent! Now throw the switch." Wilson was rethinking what he had done and didn't want to go through with the plan. "Do it!" the radio screamed. Out of fright he pulled the lever. Steam and smoke arose from the contraption and all the gears started turning. Pieces of wood fell and a plank dropped down making the machine look like a man's face. Wilson stepped back not knowing what to do. "Ha ha ha ha ha" the radio chuckled. Two giant black arms came from the ground near Wilson. He jumped to dodge their grasp but they were too fast for him. The hands then pulled him down into a vortex.

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