Chapter 7.1 "The Royal Gathering"

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-Third Person POV-
The next morning, Ranboo woke up to see Puffy and Bad going back and forth preparing his needs "Good morning" Ranboo greeted making Puffy and Bad greet back. They gave him his breakfast in bed and left.

"Well, I guess I better start getting ready then" he said as he finished his breakfast in bed. He called Bad who was just outside the door talking to his son, asking him if he could take the serving table (dunno what to call it help) back to the kitchen. Ranboo then showered and changed into his fancy clothing for the Ball, it was a masquerade so he requested a mask to come along his attire. A golden mask with Red and Green stars on each side and a black and gold themed attire.

He then left his room, into the hallways and the stairs passing the throne room. Getting greets and smiles from everyone just like every morning, "Stay safe" Puffy said as she gave him a hug and waved goodbye, her eyes watching as the Royal carriage was getting further and further until it was no where in sight.

•====• In Kinoko Kingdom •====•

-Ranboo POV-
I checked the map and we were still on track, if we won't stop then we'll be there early enough to help in decorating. We we're getting further and further away from the Kingdom, passed the Sleepy Kingdom, the Pride Kingdom and now we're on Kinoko, on our way out of the Kindom we saw another carriage which seemed to be owned by King Karl. We both saw each other through the windows and waved 'hi', Karl has been a friend of mine way back before I was king, about almost a year now. He was the founder of his Kingdom along with the Dreamon Kingdom's general, Sapnap. We now passed Kinoko and Karl's carriage and now on our way to The Northern Kingdom, I believe that the only thing separating us from the gate is the Enchanted forest of the north.

-Time Skip in the gates of the North-

We've arrived at the Kingdom, on our way there we could see the males preparing for the Ball, children running some errands and busy people going here and there. We then reached the castle and saw that all of the royalties and presidents we're now here. The Royal Gathering! Of course, how could I forget, I guess I won't have time to help in decorating now. My escort opened the door and bowed down I stepped out the carriage "You may rise" I said accidentally letting out a stern tone, oops-. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that" I apologized "It's alright your highness" he replied, for me it's not okay though, I feel bad for saying it like that "Oh and, the ball might take a while so why don't you explore the Kingdom in the mean time? Just don't get lost and stay safe" I said as I patted his shoulder and headed to the castle door hearing a thank you from him that made me nod.

Once I entered the castle, I saw the maids amd butlers going back and forth, decorating and preparing the ball room. I was caught by everyone's eyes that made me uncomfortable and it seemed like someone noticed it too "who is he?" one of the maids asked "I don't know" The butler replied.

"Ahem" a lady in a hot pink (color)  dress cleared her throat and walked down to me as she said "please stop staring at him". Everyone in the room bowed down to her as she took my wrist and led me out of the ball room. Once we left the main hall she said "Follow me" and started walking "Uhm, do I know you?" I asked which made her giggle "Ranboo, it's me, Niki" she responded as she gestured me to follow her "Oh, sorry. I didn't realize it was you" I apologized and she grunted "It's fine your majesty, the talors did do a great job at my mask", "Niki you're older than me, I should be the one calling you 'your majesty' " I said back "But you're a king, I'm a Princess, so I am calling you that wether you like it or not" we both just giggled and continued our way to the castle's meeting room.

"Royalty" []Royal BenchTrio AU[]Platonic-Romantic Beeduo[] Remaking/DiscontinuedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat