Forty Seven.

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The end of a new beginning.
September 24th, 2016.

After 2 decades of being best friends, I can confidently say this is the happiest I've ever seen Blair. Her confidence isn't just in her looks anymore—it's extremely evident in her personality. She's the most incredible woman I've ever met. Her morals reflect her intelligence and integrity while her actions reveal what's written in her heart and soul.

Sometimes I feel like she doesn't appreciate herself as much as she should. She's particularly humble, which will do her good in life, but sometimes, she doesn't appreciate herself enough. I believe there's still a part of her that questions her worth when she thinks she hurts somebody, but really I can't blame her. She's her biggest critic as well as her biggest fan.

I remember the advice I gave her after her first heartbreak. I said, "you know, if he can sleep at night knowing you're feeling anything less than perfect, he's not the one." She took that advice and ran with it—literally. She ran far, far away from the people who hurt her the most; everybody who held her back and tore her down. She closed the chapter, grabbed a pen, and began writing her own destiny. She built this life for herself. Sure, the people who did her wrong and doubted her motivated her, but they don't get credit for anything she's accomplished. She does. Because at the end of the day, no matter how much advice somebody gives you doesn't change who they are or how bad they want it—only character can determine that.

Despite the late, sleepless nights full of tears and anger, she burns brighter than ever. She is undeniably talented, but what I value most is how she never gets too comfortable with her accomplishments. She's constantly looking at new ways to reinvent herself; new ways to become better as a human all-around. It's something everyone should be envious of, really. I know I am.

When she first met Niall, I was terrified that she was going to break his heart and go on a rampage. She knows the power she wields, so one wrong decision could send her in a downward, yet somehow empowering, spiral. The moment I knew they would make it is when Niall left to protect Blair. I hate thinking about that time because it both broke them so much, but looking back at it, I can confidently say that was the turning point for them. If she didn't think she lost him forever, she would have never known she was in love with him, and if he didn't almost die protecting her, he wouldn't have been able to show it.

I turn to face her one last time before we line up for the Marc Jacobs show. "This is it," I give her a shrug and grin. "Indeed it is. Shall we?" she dramatically poses. "We shall," I link arms with her as we make our way to our places.

Number 6–Delaney Bridgers
Number 7–Blair Collins

We both are dressed in full-length ball gowns—mine yellow in color and composed fully of silky material and hers a burning red with a built-in corset and a tiered tulle skirt. Our makeup is natural and dewy to match the easy-going waves in our hair. We look similar, yet so different.

I grab her hands and bow my head. "Do your little prayer thing," I look up at her quickly as the first model receives her cue to go. "Dear Lord, we are so thankful for this life you have given us. We never thought we would end up here. Please, continue to guide us, give us strength, and protect us in all that we do. I love you," she signs the cross as we say 'Amen' in unison.

"Go kill it, I love you!" Blair rests her hands on my shoulders and pushes me forward. "Model 6, go!" the stage director gives me my signal. I confidently strut down the runway as my dress blows from the air ventilation system they have set up at the end of the runway. I give a gentle smile and keep my head held high up. I feel like I'm flying; like I'm on top of the world.

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