Late 2012

368 13 0

As Gianna made her way to the boxing ring she frequently attended, she surveyed the wreckage from the battle a few months before.

She stopped to take a look around and sighed. "If they come back, at least we have the Avengers to defend us."

Gianna entered the boxing ring and smiled when she found it empty. Just the way she preferred it. She was a bit of a recluse in that manner, something her cousin always teased her for.

As she wrapped cloth around her hands, the door opened and she glanced up. "Maria? What are you doing here?"

Maria smirked lightly. "Figured you'd be here. The director wanted me to give this to you." She held out a file.

Gianna stared at the file. "Is this a recruitment offer? Because I've already turned him down once."

"Fury doesn't like being told no. Especially when you excel in the necessary qualifications."

"Maria, no. I just want to be a normal citizen in a normal city in a normal world. God, how many times do I have to say that?"

"Three, apparently. At least think about it, okay? And if he calls, don't hang up on him."

Maria set the file on the bench and walked away.

Gianna sat on the bench between the file and her bag. She rested her head against the wall, closed her eyes and let out a groan.

She stood and set up a punching bag. With one swift punch, she sent it backwards and stepped out of the way before it ricocheted back.

"Solid punch," a man commented.

Gianna turned to see a man staring at her. "Can I help you or are you just gonna stare at my ass?"

"Figured I could use a little boxing. Sam Wilson."

"Gia Wood."

"Nice to meet you, Gia."

"Likewise. You up for a little sparring session, Wilson?"

"I don't know about that. You'd probably kick my ass, considering what you did to that punching bag."

"Had to let off some steam."

Sam shrugged. "I'm up for a sparring session."

Once he was ready, the two got in position and Gianna began punching and ducked to avoid Sam's punches.

After a few minutes, both were breathing heavily and Sam said, "I think you bested me."

Gianna smirked lightly. "I have been training since I was ten."

"It shows." He pointed to the file on the bench. "Don't mind me asking, but what is that?"

She grabbed the file and shook her head. "It's nothing. Thanks for the spar." She picked up her bag and left.

Sam, who was left alone in the middle of the room, said, "What the hell was that?"


Gianna made her way to a local coffee shop and once she'd ordered, she found an empty table and sat. She began looking through the file she'd been given.

A flash of movement caught her attention and she looked up to see Fury sitting across from her.

"Are you serious. First Maria and now you. What?"

"I assume you've had time to consider my offer."

"All due respect, but I don't want to join your organization. I'm perfectly happy-"

"Being a recluse and hacking into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s database?"

Gianna winced slightly. "You know about that?"

"Yes, Miss Wood, we know about that."

"Figures. Tell you what. I'll give six months of my service to this thing and if I don't want to be part of it, I'm out. If, by the end of those six months, I enjoy my work, then I'll consider staying longer. Deal?"

Fury considered her offer and nodded. "I can accept that."

They shook hands and Fury said, "Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent Wood."

"One more thing. Can I bring my cat?"

A hint of a smile crossed Fury's face. "Yes, you can bring your cat."

Needless to say, six months turned into two years. And once she was in, she didn't want to leave.

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