Episode 2

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💍 Shaadi 💍
Episode 2

3hours later Mumbai

The jet touched the ground and Rishi was seen stepping out with his sunglass and his hands inside his pocket.
  He stared at his family private airport,it's been long he has seen this place, the last time he was here was 3years ago when he was leaving for New Delhi.
     "Welcome boss,this way please"a guy in black suit said leading him to a black Ferrari
He got inside the car and the driver greeted him before starting the engine and zoomed off.

They finally got to the Jai's mansion after the 30min long ride

The car door was opened for him and he stepped out adjusting his black tuxedo before staring at the house he lived in all his life,he wouldn't lie he missed it so bad but was never chanced to visit even if it's for a day.

He was brought out from his reverie when a tall slim beautiful girl with chubby face crashed on his body...

"Baiya(Brother),I've missed you so much,mom wouldn't allow me visit you....life without you has been boring"his 24years old lil sister whined still giving him a bone crushing hug
"Oh Navita I've missed you too,I've missed everything about you even your silliness"he replied chuckling while hugging her back
They disengaged from the hug and he pinched her cute chubby cheeks
"How I've missed doing this"he said dragging her cheeks softly
"Stop it Rishi,you know how much I hate it when you pull my cheeks.... anyways,let's go inside,mom is making your favorite"she said pulling him inside while the maids and gaurds bow their head greeting him as he was pulled away by his sister
"Maa,Abba,Guess who's here!"she screamed dragging him to the kitchen where his mom was cooking.
"Oh my boy come here"Mrs Jai said cleaning her hands with the kitchen towel so she can hug her son
"Mom,I've missed you so much"he said bending low to her level before hugging her
"I miss you too my baby,but you never for once come pay me a visit,you just forgot about your mom,it's not fair"his mom said pulling herself away from the hug feigning cry.
"I was busy with work mom and moreover we've been video calling right?" He replied dragging her out of the kitchen to the sitting room, leaving the maids to continue with the cooking
"Yeah whatever"she replied rolling her eyes then sat down on the couch
"Look at you my boy"she continue
"You've grown so big,manly and more handsome"she said touching his hair
"Yeah he took it from me afterall am his father"Mr Jai said coming down from the stairs
"Dad"Rishi called walking to him then bend touching his feet
"Long time no see Rishi,you completely forgot that you have families in Mumbai right?"his father asked pulling him up to his feet and then walk towards where his wife was sitting while Rishi just strolled at his back making faces,Navita saw him and chuckled silently
"Dad,you know being a CEO is not easy, work here and there,piles of files waiting to be signed and all that"he said sitting beside Navita who placed her head on his lap
"The last time I checked,am still the CEO of Jai group of companies,the fact that I allowed you changed the one in New Delhi to RJ Group of companies doesn't make you a CEO,it's still under me,am still the chairman,you will become the CEO when you get married"Mr Jai replied flatly
"Seriously Dad?"
" I ain't joking kid" Mr Jai said sipping the lemon juice that a maid just brought for him

"Ma'am,the dinning has been set"the head maid said bowing her head
"Alright thanks"Mr Jai replied her
"I'm really famished,I can't wait to devour that food" Rishi said standing up running to the dinning
"Still a foodie huhn?" Navita asked behind him
"Nah just famished that's all" he said as they got to the dinning to meet a mini feast
    Their parents joined them and they all settled down as the maid started dishing out the food....non of the foods caught his attention than his favourite....Potato curri!!!
   He didn't wait for the maid to start dishing out his food before dishing out a large quantity of potato curri
   "Seriously Rishi,I wonder how you keep fit with this foodie attitude of yours"Mrs Jai said as she watched her son amusingly
      "Like I said he took it from me"Mr Jai said boastingly
        "You wish" his wife said rolling her eyes.
"Thank you" she said to the maids as they finished dishing out the foods....the maids bow and left

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