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It was a long ride. Very long. Especially with the Princess's hand so close to his the whole time.

Mm. He has to stop. Stop thinking about Toph in this... bizarre way. Until he figures out what it means, he must focus on other things. Like the Great Room, for example.

The walls around him look like a brightly wrapped parcel, bedecked with ribbons and flowers and vases as far as the eye can see. He's standing in the middle of it all, with people hustling about and boxes piling high. It's all a bit much if you ask him, but of course no one bothered to. Why should he voice his opinion on the decor of his own wedding? How preposterous.

Servants rush about, carrying packages and matches to light candles and plates for the finger foods that will be set out, and he can't help but be reminded of his little outing two nights ago. The commonfolk of the Earth Kingdom seem very much like the servants in front of him, talking and laughing and teasing each other as they work: carefree, even in the midst of something so precariously affecting their very lives.

It makes him think of the people he'd encountered on the journey with Toph and Zuko. The people were just as carefree as these servants, with nothing on their minds but the conversations they were holding.

It was incredible, what he saw with them that night: a market. A fully functioning night market, a place with enough shoppers late at night to keep every cobbler busy. Carts that sold peaches and apples and hard nuts and imported cigars and freshly-churned butter and little flags with the Earth Kingdom emblem on them and — ever so much more. His eyes got a workout darting to and from every little thing.

Lord Zuko and Princess Toph did not appear to be as marveled as he was, though, and it didn't take much guessing after that to know that this was a reoccurring thing for them. A date, one might call it, and he had laughed harshly at the thought. From the way Toph's feet danced from one stall to the next to the way Zuko met one of the wagon driver's eyes and nodded discreetly, he became aware of their secret. Of their haven.

It was a comforting thought, actually. To know something more about his soon-to-be wife and her best friend. Despite himself, he's been keeping a list of things he knows about her, ticking them off when she lets something slip. That night was chock full of ticks, each one coming so fast as she spoke to him he hardly had time to think.

She sneaks out every chance she gets. Lord Zuko has been her only friend for years. Her favorite dessert is chocolate. Her lady's maid has been letting her practice doing her own makeup. When she takes a bath, she puts in a vanilla scent. She's a bit nervous about the wedding, but not as much as she had been.

She's a bit nervous about the wedding, but not as much as she had been.

The wedding.

"It's coming whether I like it or not," she had said, fingering a plump peach. He stood beside her, taking care to keep his head covered, watching to make sure hers was as well. It was strong that night, the urge to protect her. Even though he knew that she didn't need it.

"That it is, my lady," he had replied, unsure what else to say. It was the truth, at any rate, and the idea of lying to Toph was not a pleasant one somehow.

"I was very nervous, you know," she said suddenly. "To meet you. Not so much anymore, but I had no idea what you looked like."

He sighed in relief; finally, something they had in common. "I didn't either."

She smirked and waved a hand in front of her face. "I still don't."

His eyes widened and he hesitated, unsure if he could laugh. It was building up in his throat. It would escape soon if he did not —

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