"Thought you'd know by now, missiles aren't anything to me." Sukuna explains, pausing for a moment, "but the missiles aren't for us." His grin drops, replaced by concern. Daniel stands up, following sukuna who stands up, walking forwards with no explanation. "Stay behind me, you can't take a direct hit." Sukuna warns, although Daniel doesn't even listen, his fear making him stay behind.

"If they aren't for us, what are they-" Daniel stops his obvious question, as sukuna places his hand against his chest, stopping him. Daniel looks over, his breathing stops for a moment, as a shadow looks at the hallway, the cylindrical shape stays still.

"So that's his pet." Sukuna mumbles, his body tense, whilst the snake stays still, watching them with ease. "There's the reason the missiles hit us. Must have been for that." Sukuna adds, taking a step back for a moment, leaving Daniel in utter fear, if he's unsure about it, then I'm just a toothpick to it. Daniel's body goes numb, whilst the snake still doesn't  move.

"Is it a threat?" Daniel asks, trying to calm down, but failing. Sukuna doesn't reply, letting Daniel stay behind him.

"I don't know." Sukuna replies, his hollow tone making Daniel lose all senses for a second, as his mind floods back, the flashes of the scene where sukuna almost killed him comes back, making Daniel fall back, scrambling back up, and running away, not spotting sukunas guilt written all over his face.

Daniel slides down the hallway, stumbling around, before finding a nearby janitorial room. Without hesitation, he opens the door, slamming it shut. His breathing speeds up, grabbing his shirt to try and grip reality, although the wound on his face starts to sting  from his tense stance, causing him to fall back down, a repeat of everything that has happened keeps flashing around him, from the guards dying on front of him, to the threats, alpha stabbing him, sakuras threat.

Why did I forget who he is? How can I be that stupid? He's a murderer, a killer. Not even that. Daniel shakes, falling into a ball, as the air feels heavy, making him struggle to breathe. He attacked me remember? My face is now scarred just like them, I'm a pet not human anymore. Why did I enrol in this hell again? Daniel questions himself, wishing he just dismissed the application.

The door getting knocked on causes Daniel to jump in fear, still unsure, as sukunas fist appears back in front of him, causing him to fall backwards, in fear. The knocks pause, as Daniel struggles to know what's going on, before the door gets kicked down, with a concerned alpha glancing at him. "Yeah didn't expect me to be the shining knight." Alpha mutters, picking up on Daniel's behaviour. "Woah calm down, what your seeing isn't real, keep staying to my voice idoit." Alpha snaps, leaning down, making sure he stays away from Daniel, who remains shaking, jumping at the smallest noise, seeing alpha laugh in his face, before stabbing him again.

Alpha however curses, remaining on the ground, should've done a test on that. He sighs, glancing back at daniel. "Idoit keep focusing on my voice, nothing else you see is real right now. It's just you and me." Alpha says, making sure his tone remains solemn, although his lack of social knowledge leaves him in discomfort. "They aren't here, you'd never be able to miss'em just you and me." Alpha adds, staying as still as possible.

Daniel pauses for a moment, the memories fade slowly away, as he hears alphas concern. After a few minutes he comes back to his senses, spotting alpha struggling to stay in his position. "Where's del- I mean karma?" Daniel asks, remembering alpha was trying to find him. Alpha snickers, helping Daniel up, before grinning.

"I found'im well, more he found me, but he let me go." Alpha repiles, shrugging his shoulders, "obviously you don't know much about'im but as long as I'm safe he's easily approachable and negotiable." Alpha adds, gently pushing Daniel out, closing the door before losing his grin. "Saw the state sukunas in, isn't pretty, but he's fine as long as he doesn't try to fight the big ass snake." Alpha adds, knowing Daniel was curious.

"I couldn't care less." Daniel mumbles, catching alphas concern for a second, hiding it with ease. "Did you see the others?" He adds, making alpha pause, shaking his head.

"Nothin. Just the occasional body. Where is everyone?" Alpha asks, aware they had miyako with them at a moment. Daniel shrugs in confusion.

"Miyako didn't say much, asides from everyone is gone, maybe a evacuation?" Daniel suggests, before alpha shakes his head, glancing at a nearby camera, it's red light indicating it's active still. Daniel spots it as well, but remains unsure, still struggling with the flashbacks. Alpha sighs, gently slapping Daniel.

"Join the club, you have ptsd, I  just didn't diagnose it." Alpha sighs, "we tried to stabilise your memory but that isn't my fortè." Alpha adds, pointing at the camera, "but what is, is secretive operations, so I have the suspicion this was planned." Alpha grins, somehow glad by the problem, scaring Daniel a little. "Follow me, we'll sort this out," alpha says, gesturing to the hallway, "don't worry about the snake, karmas got him making sure I'm safest, stick with me and you'd have more protection than being with sukuna." Alpha adds, walking in front.

Daniel pauses, dragging his body to follow, the unease still around the air, as he turns around, finding the snake slowly following them both, as his heart skips a beat at the sight of it. It is just a oversized anaconada, nothing more, heh yeah, you've never been scared of snakes before. Daniel mentally yells at himself, as alpha leads the way. Alpha is more terrifying than a snake, speaking of, why wouldn't he be a little concerned? Maybe been that protected by delta that he thinks his invicable. Daniel wonders, noticing his more confident stride, unlike when he's around the rest.

"Somthin caught your eye rookie?" Alpha asks, glancing over his shoulder, knowing Daniel was watching him, "rookie suits you, y'know? Don't know staring is rude." Alpha adds, looking back at the hallway. "Your lucky I'm a patient man, but don't stare at the merchandise next time." Alpha warns, swiftly turning a corner as Daniel jogs slighty to catch up, still feeling the snake slither behind him, almost feeling it's tongue hit his back every so often.

Is he cocky or genuinely stupid? One minute he's scared, next he's acting like god himself. But, where even is sukuna, or the rest for that matter? Something can't be adding up. Daniel looks around, whilst the two walk in almost deathly cold silence.

alphas not one to backstab others right? Doesn't seem so if he saved my life from sukuna. I guess I'll just have to make sure I remain vigilant. Daniel sighs, rubbing his head, I didn't sign up for this on the application, must have been the terms and conditions.

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