part 7

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"so this is the killers canteen?" Daniel asks, leaning forwards slightly trying to glance at sukuna who remains walking, nodding quietly. Daniel nods back, and looks around, knowing the group would get a few looks here and there; even within the killers. However the rest seem perfectly fine, used to their reputation. Daniel jolts, realising the others have left him to stand there, making him rush over and clamber onto a bench of a sort, with sukuna and alpha sitting to the sides of him, whilst Delta, sakura and Ryu remain on the other side.

The echo of conversations fill the area, making it hard for Daniel to even try and understand anything, only getting overwhelmed by the massive amount of noise. Alpha leans on the table, tapping his fingers against the table, whilst Delta pushes his hands onto his own legs, getting anxious. "They never have looked at us this long." He mutters, switching his sight around the room, trying to hide his fear. Sakura shrugs, bored, as Ryu doesn't even say anything, pushing her glasses up before resting them against her head.

Sukuna remains Looking at the table, catching sakuras attention for a second, before a chef worker walks over, placing down trays with different varieties of food. "All requested, you cant change it now." They warn, walking away, briskly, almost not wanting to even be here.

"Maybe eat like a human this time four eyes?" Sakura smirks, not even touching her food; being what Daniel can see as miso soup. Ryu shrugs, and leans against her hand, glancing at sakura before picking up a smallish fish; still raw and not even cut.

"Why would I? This isn't a fancy dress party." She mocks back, tossing the fish into her mouth before watching sakuras dismay. Sukuna and alpha suppress a laugh, whilst Delta checks his own food over. "Jeez man, they haven't put anything it in this time." Ryu adds, playing around with another fish.

Daniel remains confused, by their array of food, so alpha and sakura have actual meals, yet Delta just has what, a salad? He isn't meat free his files would have stated. Sukuna? What even is that. Daniel looks at sukunas tray, which is just a tin foiled object, in the shape of a cylinder. Alpha flicks a piece of bread at Delta, making him jolt and almost fall off of the bench.

"Alpha, keep your shit down, we have enough eyes as it is." Sakura snaps quietly, as alpha rolls his eye and sarcastically mimics sakuras action, before grinning.

"Hm? What's that grandma?" Alpha laughs, making sukuna crack a small chuckle, whilst Delta pushes his scarf over his mouth. Ryu chokes on her food as sakura remains shocked, whilst Daniel tries to not laugh for his own safety.

"Omega shut up, your the same age." Sakura taunts, as sukuna waves his hand in defeat, laughing, as alpha tries to breathe. Delta coughs as he keeps his laughter to a minimum, as Ryu leans over and yanks the food out of her throat, coughing as she tries to breathe again. Didn't you not want to draw attention? Which is interesting, you don't use your real names here, which reminds me I still need to find out that info. Daniel looks away in thought, ignoring his environment as the curiosity takes over.

It's obvious that most of you would have classified information, because of your bloodline and level. Yet they said Ryu and alpha don't seem to hold any higher ups bloodline. So Delta must be alphas step brother, holding a different father? Hm, there's no way sukuna will spill with any information contained on ryu, his reaction alone to before just shows how much she doesn't want anyone to know.

"Rat, you off thinking about somethin'?" Sakura asks, as sukuna gently pushes Daniel and snaps him back into the now. Shaking his head Daniel smiles awkwardly and denies it. Sakura and alpha hesitate, unsure, before Delta yanks sakuras clothes and gestures to a group of killers walking over.

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