Chapter 10: Antim: The Final Truth

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Khushi looked at her phone, puzzled. Arnav had hung up on her. Now that was weird! And did he just say, he's coming here? But why? She'd told him, she was fine and just had a few scrapes and bruises. But he'd hung up on her as soon as she'd told him she was home.

Twenty minutes later, the doorbell rang, and when Garima opened the door, she was surprised to find Arnav standing there, all flustered and worried.

"Khushi?", he asked, as soon as he saw her.

"She's in her room.... She's fine, Arnav. Are you ok?", Garima was both amused and gratified to see how panicked Arnav was upon hearing of Khushi's accident.

"Huh!? Room.... Yes, I need to see her", and Arnav hurried towards Khushi's room.

The door was closed, and he just opened it in his worried condition, and walked straight in.

Khushi was sitting in bed, reading a book, when the door to her room opened with a jerk, and Arnav ran in, all in a dither.

"Arnav?", Khushi barely got the word out, when she was engulfed in a tight hug and almost lifted off the bed.

It shook her for a minute, until her arms went around him automatically. She could feel his heart going full speed, and tried to calm him down by patting his back in a reassuring manner.

"Arnav?.... Are you ok?"

"What? You're the one injured. I'm fine. Where are you hurt?", he said, trying to check her body all over for injuries.

Khushi just held his hands in hers tightly, as she looked straight into his eyes, and smiled gently, "Arnav.... I am perfectly fine. Let me show you all my injuries, ok? Calm down.... Look...... they're just scratches, and one bruise", as she showed him her knee and palms and elbow.

"That's it, right? How do you know that there are no internal injuries? What if you're bleeding internally and don't know it?", he refused to calm down.

"Arnav, in case you have forgotten, I'm a medical doctor myself. Babuji is too, and he checked me out also. I didn't fall as hard, didn't have anything fall on me, so there are no internal injuries. I'm not hurting anywhere else, and I didn't hit against anything hard enough to cause any serious injuries. I'm fine. It was like tripping and falling , without hitting anything, ok?" Khushi told him in a soothing manner.

"You sure?"

"Absolutely, and so is Babuji. There's nothing to worry about, Arnav"

"ok.... Ok then", And Arnav finally came to his senses. Then he realized how his behavior would be construed, and suddenly, he couldn't meet her eyes any more. He was looking all around the room, refusing to meet her eyes, as he stepped back a few feet, and starting heading to the door.

"Ok, you're fine then.... Good.... I'm glad.... Uhh, I'll leave then. I'll talk to you tomorrow?", and he turned around abruptly and hurried to the door.

"Arnav Singh Raizada, stop right there!", Khushi called out in a firm voice.

Arnav froze, then hung his head, knowing what was coming.

Khushi walked up to him, and pulled him by the hand to sit on the side of her bed.

"ok, I realise this conversation is something that you don't want to have, but I'm very confused by your behavior right now, Arnav, and I need some clarifications.... please?", Khushi pleaded.

Arnav looked up into her eyes, and saw the uncertainty there. He sighed, and nodded. This conversation was long overdue.

"Arnav, I know this is an arranged marriage, and I know that I am mostly your family's choice, but I've always wanted to have a marriage where my husband loves me. I know that's not true right now, but I wanted to know if there is a chance of you ever falling for me. A few hours ago, I didn't know what to think, but your behavior right now is making me think that we have a chance. Please tell me Arnav. Is there a chance that you might begin to love me? The possibility of me being more than just your family's choice? More than just your mother's pick for you?", Khushi implored, hopeful to the last.

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