Chapter 2

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As soon as Tony's back in the Compound, he deactivates his helmet, letting Loki free. He's not keeping that fly in his hair any longer than he has to. A flash of green glows beside him, and Loki shifts back to his normal form.

Tony looks around as all the other Avengers readjust to the normal world. The quantum realm can really do a number on someone, that's for sure. He scans the circle for the faint glow of Infinity Stones, and he feels a wave of relief wash over himself when he sees so many in their hands. They may have done it. This may actually have worked.

The silence seems to stretch on for an eternity, though he's sure it only lasts a few seconds until Thor breaks it.

"Loki," he whispers. In an instant, he's crossed the landing pad, pulling his brother into a tearful hug.

"Mm," Loki hums uncomfortably, tensing under his touch.

"I'm so sorry," Thor murmurs. "I'm so, so sorry. You're not the worst brother. You were never the worst brother."

"No, that title would belong to you," Loki deadpans. "Now let me go, you big oaf." He shoves Thor away, and the god stumbles backward, taken aback. Loki furrows his brows, eyeing him up and down, and Thor cocks his head to the side. "You very big oaf." He looks back at Tony, confused. "Where am I?"

"New York," he says. "In 2023."

Loki's eyebrows shoot up. "I beg your pardon?"

"So when you said you were gonna do something stupid," Steve says, "I take it you meant Loki stupid."

"Mm." Tony nods. "You know, my usual level of stupid."

Loki looks around the room. "What is happening right now?"

"You're gonna have to be a little more specific," Tony tells him. "There's a lot happening right now."

"How do you propose I form a more specific question when I haven't the slightest idea what is happening?" Loki asks irritably.

"Tell you what." Tony holds out a hand. "Give me the Tesseract and I'll explain everything."

"Counterargument," Loki says. "Tell me everything and I might lend you the Tesseract."

Tony crosses his arms, an eyebrow raised, and Loki just smiles, his arrogance shining through in his eyes.

Finally, Steve steps in. "Your old buddy went on a genocidal rampage a few years back," he says. "We're trying to fix it, but we can't do that without all six Infinity Stones." He opens his hand to reveal the Mind Stone, illustrating his point.

Loki chuckles dryly. "My old buddy?"

"Yeah," Steve says. "Thanos."

Loki's cocky smile disappears in an instant. He pushes Thor out of his way and stalks up to the Captain, and though their heights nearly match, Loki's energy seems to tower over him. He peers down at the man, eyes narrowed. "What do you know of Thanos?" he demands.

Steve raises his chin, radiating confidence even in that small movement. "I know he sent you to Earth," he says. "I know he was collecting Infinity Stones. And I know he used those Stones five years ago to wipe out half of all life in the universe." He crosses his arms. "You want me to keep going, or is that enough?"

Loki grits his teeth. "Where is he now?"

"What," Tony says, "so you can go reunite with your old master?" He shakes his head. "Not happening, buddy."

Loki turns to face him, his hands balled into fists by his side. "Thanos was not my master," he snaps. "He was my captor; my tormentor for months. If I am to 'reunite' with him, it will be to put a knife in his skull."

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