Chapter Three

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Gerard slowly opened the door, closing it silently. He removed his shoes to minimise the noise, and crept over to the living room. The TV was paused - Alisha was watching the first season of Prison Break.

He heard her humming in the kitchen. Placing the flowers and chocolates on the table, he tiptoed to the kitchen. She was making a cup of coffee, her back towards him; he snuck up behind her, grabbed her waist and kissed her neck, slowly, murmuring "Hey there, beautiful."

She turned around, smiled at him and put her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, their tender kiss becoming more and more passionate. He slid his hand downwards, to the hem of her dress, and caressed her thighs. She closed her eyes, her breathing speeding up as Gerard pulled her even closer with his other hand, his breathing also becoming rapid, and she slowly started unbuttoning his shirt. She squealed as he lifted her up, removing her dress as he did so, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He pushed her against the fridge, and the cold metal made her gasp. She moaned as he slowly eased himself inside her, the contents of the fridge rattling as they made love against it.

Next door, Mrs Pudovskin had fallen asleep in the living room. Upstairs, Mr Pudovskin was in the bedroom. He had been watching Gerard and Alisha through an old pair of binoculars. It had become a habit of his to watch Alisha whenever the opportunity presented itself; he was obsessed. He removed the binoculars as Gerard and Alisha left the kitchen. As he did so, he noticed a car parked at the bottom of their drive; it was the same SUV Gerard had seen earlier. There was a man standing beside it, looking at Gerard and Alisha's house and talking on the phone. He seemed to sense the elderly man watching him, because he looked directly at him. At least, he appeared to do so - it was impossible to tell through his shades. In any case, he got back into his car as if he'd been spooked and drove off. He was probably a visitor, lost and stopping to call for assistance, Mr Pudovskin told himself. He put the binoculars into a box and placed it at the bottom of his wardrobe where his wife would never find them, pulling out a few sleeping pills as he did so. He took the tablets and got into bed, exhausted from tending to his front lawn earlier that day.

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