Experiment 0. : Petrified

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Here is the description of you :)

Hair is similar to Dazai, you hairstyled it yourself since you wanted your hair like Dazai.

Your hair is white 🗿

You have glasses that are like Kunikida's

You are 5'10

A seme.🗿

You love anime very much.

As well as science.

You are an author except you don't post your stories, you keep them in notes.

You're quiet but also loud.

You love experimenting.

All right let's get to the prolouge!


Nothing could be worse than being a high school student, a simp and a not-in-a-job-but-is-a scientist.

You weren't the only one who had a supernatural thinking of science, a student named Senku Ishigami did too.

You admired Senku very much, although you haven't talked to him nor does he know you, you've been watching over him ever since you two were kids.

Hell he even was the one who sparked your passion for scientist, thinking Maybe I could be his friend one day.

Well not exactly, you knew science before Senku but he was the one who made you keep on learning science.

You were walking in the hallways as a sudden green flash of light appeared.

Your vision went black.

You couldn't move, you felt like you were petrified.

'Shit. Have I been petrified?'

'Well whatever, incase I wake up, let's count.'

'If I ever wake up, surely one day, after centuries, decades or even milleniums,

I will figure out who did this.

If I ever wake up,

I hope Senku-kun also wakes up.

I'm not dying until I get to talk to him.'


There you have it--

New fanfic sigh

Anyways gnight/afternoon/morning!

Scientist's Otaku Assistant || I. Senku x Male Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें