voices in my head

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When I was 10 years old I saw God! Beautiful white light it had paralyzed me with its beauty and warmth... None like on this earth.

A voice told me not to tell anyone...no one would believe me. After that experience I went to a priest and he told me I had a very strong imagination. The voice was right!!! Ever since that time I can see spirits in gray forms and they speak to me in my head!

It's like having thoughts that are not your own! I can communicate with them in dreams and in my head with thoughts! No one ever could explain it to me! These spirits ask me questions and some of them I think I helped cross over . My house has so many spirits in it!!!!

They say they seek me out for my light??? They are attracted to it! What does that mean? I spoke to someone they told me I'm very favored by God! I'm a very very good person!!!! I feel I have to go do something but what idk? Can anyone help me??

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