Spider man:New and improved**************************************Mcu

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Spider man:New and improved

Iron man:Yes that how we do it

Black widow:Huh me and him should go one on one

Captain marvel:He is gonna take your ass down

Hill:This is gotta see

Mj:Thats why i love him

Ned:Im seeing the greatest fight in history...this forever the best day of my life

Aunt may:Kick there asses peter

Wanda:whoa may shouldn't you be nice

Aunt may:There assholes

Wanda:Good point
The last hydra agent was web to the walls

Spider man face to face with the superior octopus

Spider man face to face with the superior octopus

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Otto:You should have stayed away

Spider man:No

Otto:Final warming

Spider man:Karen scan for weakness

Otto:You will never win...those who you love will suffer the most

Spider man:Thats why i protect them

Otto:That your mistake

Spider man then fought otto

Otto used his arms to grab spider man but spider man used his arms to grab all for and spider man was in a hand to hand fight

Otto and spider man fought

Otto:I know you well

Spider man was being taught my karen were to strike

Karen:Left...right....uppercut.....kick......his shoulder....forehead...

Spider man hit his forehead hard to the ground

Karen:Upper left arm

Spider man broke one of his robot arms

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