read to the end, please.
(this chapter only applies to all the judges).
If you're not a member of the community, but you want to judge, then you'll have to fill out the form on the next chapter.
If you however, want to have the role of permanent judge or substitute judge, then check out the community hiring book and fill out the form there. Thanks so much.
Remember that you're giving short reviews for each criteria, and then giving a longer, overall review. For example, give a short review as to what you thought of the cover, or the title. And then the longer review you're going to write will be about the entire book. How did you like it? Does it still need some work? Would you recommend it?
Every judge have to read at least five chapters of their assigned books before writing down their reviews for them.
If you have been accepted as a judge, then you need to know the judging criteria:
Cover (/5) -- you're going to be judging the books by their covers; the mark is out of five.
Title (/5) -- does the title go well with the story? Mark it out of five as well.
Burb (/10) -- blurb is another word for summary in case anyone was wondering. They're one of the main parts of a book. How would you rate the summary out of ten?
Plot (/10) -- what about the entire plot of the book? What do you rate it out of ten?
Character Development (/10) -- I doubt characters are going to have much development on just chapter five, so rate on the personalities, the descriptions of the characters and such things like that.
Are the characters written in an awesome way, or do they still need some work?
Creativity/Originality (/10) -- how original is the plot of the story? Have you read the same type of plot somewhere else? Is the story cliche, or is it a story made completely fresh?
Ecstatic Awards • Open
RandomDo you see yourself as a talented writer but all your works are underrated? Then, come in here and join us in Ecstatic Awards, where you'll enter your books and have them judged, in return for great criticism and a chance to win sweet prizes. You ca...