Momo: He phased right through it's attack, almost like a ghost

Bakugou: He's making us look like chumps, that bastard

Back over with the white hair boy charged up another blast in his hand only this time blue in color. Firing it at the creature, with it raising it's arm to block it but finds it's arm being incased in ice upon it making contact. The boy smirked at this before looking up slightly. The creature roared and swung it's now ice covered claw at the boy but was stopped when a beam made contact with it, completely shattering it. Letting out another roar of pain the creature stepping back holding it's now missing claw. Looking to where the blast had came from, they see a robot who's hand was a blaster.

 Looking to where the blast had came from, they see a robot who's hand was a blaster

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Ironwood: A-A robot?

Penny stared at the robot almost entranced by them. The robot switched it's blaster into a regular hand, before bringing out launchers from it's back firing off multiple missiles at the creature causing it to stumble back more and more before it soon trips over a downed Atlas ships. Taking the opportunity the Robot and the white hair boy flew around the downed creature and began peppering it with blast some even showing visible cracks on it's body. It soon got back up and letting out another roar of rage, swinging at the two only to miss from them dodging out of the way of it. It was about to swing again, but was stopped when a something giant came in out of nowhere and drop kicked the creature sending it into multiple of the destroyed buildings. Looking at new giant, all of Union looked on terrified and amazed.

 Looking at new giant, all of Union looked on terrified and amazed

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(Not mine)

Giant: You're in big trouble now pal, Way Big trouble!!!

With that the giant rushed at the creature who was now getting up and delivered a hard punch to it's jaw. Following up with a stiff knee to it's chest and then a axe handle to the back of it's head. As this went on all of Union looked on awestruck.

Izuku: W-Who is that, he's just as big as Mountain Lady. No he's even bigger!

Blake: That power, I can feel it just from witnessing his attacks

Ozpin: That symbol on his chest, it can't be....

Back over to the fight the creature growls and swung it's claw at the giant, that he immediately stopped by catching it and than slamming his knee into the creature's jaw and ending it with an uppercut sending it flying. It soon made contact with the ground resulting in a small crater, seconds later it stood back up slowly and groggy. It lets out another enraged roar as electricity coursed around it with it's tendrils standing up straight again. The clouds above the giant began to swirl with electricity. The giant looked up at the clouds for a second before smiling.

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