Chapter 53-55

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Chapter 53. Returned Gifts (1)

Translator: ??? / Editor: ???

The secretaries appeared to be running after the crown prince—they tried to keep up with him. Eventually, the carriage turned to an extravagant-looking neighborhood on the road, still, Blain couldn't help but seethe in anger, releasing endless profanities under his breath.

As he kept spouting curses into the shelter of his carriage, he finally reached the queen's estate.

"Stay here. I will go further alone." He spat at the secretaries, who flinched and backed away to let him enter the palace alone.

It was to be noted that the queen's quarters were undoubtedly the grandest in the entire palace.

With her quick wit and good eye for learning things, Cerdina had all but chosen the most expensive and most precious of artworks in existence, and placed it all in her quarters. Her room was even adorned, from top to bottom, precious gems and gold.

But even the grandiose of the place couldn't hide the despair and bleakness it reeked of.

Blain glanced in distaste at every statue he passed by, before pushing the auditorium doors haphazardly across the hallway, uncaring of the scene he was causing.

"The Crowne Prince!"

Count Weddleton exclaimed, shooting up from his seat in surprise as Blain slammed the doors open. Unfortunately, Cerdina remained unfazed, who greeted the prince rather calmly with a gentle smile.

"Do come in." she invited him in.

There was an expensive fox fur draped across her legs, stopping right by her knees. Her hands gently swept over the soft furs, even as she continued to address the prince rather casually.

"I was thinking of making a muffler out of this beautiful fox you gifted me with." she informed him lightheartedly. She even seemed perfectly delighted, even praising the gray fur, commenting how perfect it was for a shawl!

In a harsh, yet soft voice, Blain corrected her.

"But that wasn't my catch, was it?" he spat at her, and she only giggled, covering her lips with her knuckles as she smiled at him.

"Don't be such a killjoy, child. The knight who hunted with you might have caught it, but it's equivalent to your catch," she pointed out.

She had asked around if the knight was truly his knight, but still she remained seated like the perfect queen she portrays to be. Smiling brightly, with a flawless expression, she looked like an angel, but the tension was thick in the room.

Sensing an argument in the making, Count Weddleton immediately excused himself after glancing back and forth the two monarchs for a moment more...

"I think I better go ahead," he excused, gathering his things, and moved slowly out without any further prompting.

Neither Blaine nor Cerdina did anything to stop him either. Count Weddleton hurriedly escaped from the room. Even the maids who were attending them silently moved out of the auditorium to give them privacy as well.

With only Blain and Cerdina left in the room, Blain finally openly glared at her.

"Was it you who did it?!" he immediately demanded for.

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