Chapter 51-52

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Chapter 51. A Passing Fling (1)

Translator: ??? / Editor: ???

Ishakan raised his eyebrows, which prompted Genin to briefly report the events that had occurred in the princess' quarters.

As he heard the story, Ishakan's eyes squinted and his eyebrows furrowed. However, he did not growl or emit any sign that showed his anger. In a low voice, looking at Genin straight in the eyes, he spoke. "I thought I told you to take care of her, Genin."

The hazy smoke from the leaf cigarette that was slowly incinerating wafted in front of his face. Ishakan's eyes narrowed, and his blazing golden pupils which had yet to cool down, pulsated.

"But you are here." Ishakan did not need to say much. His meaning was clear.

Immediately Genin's face paled and drained of its color. She kneeled down. On her knees, in front of Ishakan, she kowtowed and bumped her head on the ground. Her hands were shaking as she committed her admittance to her wrongdoing.

Haban, who was standing beside, could not properly breathe as he looked at the scene in front of him. It was hard to see Genin begging for forgiveness.

"It's okay to make a mistake once, but twice is not." Ishakan wearily exhaled as he commanded, "Get up. Please be cautious next time."

"Thank you."

Genin bowed down once again, her forehead touching the ground, and then she rose on her feet.

Locked in his thoughts, Ishakan suddenly mumbled. "She vomited blood. That is indeed strange."

Haban and Genin glanced at each other. They seemed to come to a consensus through their brief exchange. In Genin's stead, who had previously been scolded, Haban opened his mouth. The connotation that came out from his words were implicit.

"Was it not because you tormented her last night?" It was a reassuring remark as if there was no truth clearer than this. Ishakan smiled briefly and shook his head.

"It can be a cause... but I only gave her a puff yesterday." As soon as he picked up his cigarette, Haban's eyes popped.

"Isn't that a poison to humans?"

"It is a medicine for them if appropriately used."

Genin replied to the stupefied Haban. She reassured him that Ishakan would not in any way, harm the Princess, let alone feed poison to her.

"Right. It is quite suspicious if there is an adverse reaction like vomiting blood."

Ishakan threw the cigarette that he held in his hands to the floor. The cigarette mixed into the pool of blood. Ishakan trampled on the embers of the leaf, completely extinguishing the fire.

His hands curled into a fist and he softly said.

"Do you not think something is happening in the Palace of Estia?"


Every now and then, Leah would experience some dizzy spells. Whether it's because of Cerdina being stricter on managing her diet during meals, or her habit of sleeping late due to her busy schedule, she didn't know.

What she did know is that this was the first she had vomited blood and fainted right after. When she finally regained her consciousness, the first sight she was greeted with was Countess Melissa, whose eyes were puffy red due to her endless crying.

"Princess!" the Countess exclaimed as soon as she realized the Princess was now awake. She had called out quite loudly, it was hardly a surprise when moments later, a horde of maids and servants immediately came to crowd all over her, calling out to her in relief.

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