Autistic kageyama headcannons

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 I also do not have autism but ik people who do so if any of this is wrong please feel free to correct me 😊

- he has a special interest in volleyball and can easily remember things related to volleyball where as he cannot do that as easily with things he lacks interest in like english

- he's really good at math because it's something he's able to apply volleyball to

- he often struggles with the taste and texture of drinks so he prefers to stick with milk and water which are known as his safe drinks

-he's socially awkward like he cannot understand people and struggles with reading social expressions

- he accidentally offends people it's happened countless times before because he just says what comes to mind and doesn't understand why people get upset by it

- he doesn't do well with change. For example.

When kageyama was in kitagawa his parents along with his sister picked him up from school and there parents surprised them with a trip to the amusement park. Kageyama suddenly broke down crying because it wasn't part of his routine and that's how he was diagnosed with autism

-when he's stressed his body instantly decides he needs to sleep.

-Karasono have found him asleep on a bench somewhere (he will litterly sleep anywhere) karasono have to constantly keep an eye on him

- he has limited vocabulary and doesn't see the need to learn more as he can communicate perfectly fine already.

- him having limited vocabulary is a result of him not talking till he was about 5 years old and even when he did he was very selective.

-one of kageyamas Stims is where he will make random chirping noises

- he adores small spaces like if you can't find him check the storage cupboard as he's probably in there asleep

- he also has a lot of sensory issues

- I also feel like bokuto and kageyama would be really good friends I'll explain why later

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