Chapter 22: The Chamber Fight

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Harry's POV

Me and Ron soon discovered that a basilisk had been the culprit for the petrifications on muggleborns as it traveled by using the pipes but we were interrupted by a voice call from Mcgonagall as all students need to report to the dormitories

We ran but ended up at the same place we all found Filchs petrified cat, as the professor's were their at the scene

"As you can see the heir of Slytherin has left another message, our worst fear has been realized two students had been taken into the chamber itself, students must be sent home I'm afraid this is the end of Hogwarts" Mcgonagall stated

Then Lockhart arrived at the scene

"So sorry dozed off, so what did I miss?"

"Two students have been snatched by the monster Lockhart, your moment has come at last" said Snape

"M-My moment?"

Weren't you saying just last night you knew all along, where the entrance to the chamber of secrets is? Smugly said Snape

"That settled, will leave you to deal with the monster, after all your skills are legendary aren't they" sassily said Mcgonagall

"Very well, I'm just uh... going to my office to.. get ready, yeah" he said as he left

"Who have they taken, Minerva?" Madam Pomfrey asked

"Ginny Weasley, the other student were not so sure" she said as they left, showing us what they say

One skeleton will lie in the Chamber of Secrets forever the other will be use to me

"We've got to go after them, Lockhart knows where its located let's go" I said


As we ran towards his classroom as we barged into his office

"Professor we have some information for you"

We then see Lockhart packing his belongings as he stopped to look at us

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Uh-um y-yes got a very urgent call, very important, I've got to go"

"What about my sister?!"

"Uhm yes a very unfortunate thing to happen, no one feels more remorse than me!" he said as he kept on packing his belongings

"You are the DADA teacher you cant leave now!"

"Well when I got the job there wasn't anything in the job description about-"

"You running away, what about the books you said"

"Books can be misleading"

"Your the one who wrote them!"

"CHILD! Use your common sense books are not based on real life, what you think a book simply living a normal life will sell, NO!"

"You just used those wizards, and marked them as your own adventures, your nothing but a fraud!!"

"Well the only thing I was really good at was Memory charms which is I'm sorry but I have to do this"

He took out his wand to point it at us but we both beat him to it

"Dont you dare" I said as he dropped his wand

"Follow us" I said as he walked I was in front of him while Ron was behind him as we headed towards Moaning Myrtle first to get answers



"Wh.... my head hurts" I muttered adjusting my eyes

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