Chapter 9

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Five years later

Alma was not so sure if the children of Mirabel would have gifts, but when the children turned five years old, and she saw three new doors appeared in the Madrigal house, she understood that a ceremony should be done for those children.

-And then my uncle Bruno used his gift and saw in the future my wedding with your father, he said that I would fall to the ground but your father would be there to help me get up- Mirabel said while she showed to her little children the image engraved in the green glass that was framed that she had hanging on the wall of the room that she shared with her husband

-Mami, how did you meet dad?- Little Victoria asked looking at her mother with curious eyes, Victoria had always perfect hair like her father that reached her shoulders, big light brown eyes like her mother and wore a white dress because that day would be the ceremony to know what her gift would be

-Well, let's say that before getting to know your father well, he was going to marry your aunt Isabela- said Mirabel receiving small gasps from her three children -But your aunt Isabela did not like your father, so their marriage did not happen- Mirabel said giving the final touches to Julio's shirt, Julio had curly hair like his mother's and also wore glasses that covered his dark brown eyes that he got from his father

-What was the most beautiful thing that dad said to you when you got to know him better?- Pedro asked, Pedro had the same hair as his father and light brown eyes like his mother

- I would say that the time he proposed to me and said that it brought joy to his life- Mirabel said seeing how her children looked beautiful, Pedro and Julio with their white suits and Victoria with her white dress

-Mami...what if one of us didn't get a gift?- asked Julio looking at his own shoes as if they were the most interesting thing in the world

-It's alright cariño, gift or no gift, you will be just as special for me, after all I didn't get a gift but I was still able to help my family when they needed me the most- Mirabel said giving her three little ones a warm hug and a kiss in their foreheads

-Mami If you had had a gift, what do you think it would have been? - Victoria asked curiously

-I think your mother already has a gift- Mariano said from the nursery door

-Oh yeah?!, What is it dad?- the three asked looking at their father expectantly

-I think that your mother's gift is that even in the darkest moments she is able to reach people's hearts with her words- Mariano said hugging his wife and placing a kiss on her cheek -And that it's a powerful gift-

-Wow!- the three said in unison looking at their mother -Mami is amazing!!- they cheered

Mirabel laughed at the surprise of her children and the words of her husband, she loved them so much.

-Do you know if they need help with the preparations for the ceremony? - Mirabel asked her husband

-No, everything is ready- Mariano said looking at his wife before saying something in her ear

-It's true!! - Mirabel said thanking her husband as she left the nursery and returned with three gifts

Mirabel and Mariano distributed the gifts to their children and they opened them curious. They saw the children's eyes light up when they saw the contents of the boxes.

-Great a construction set!!- said Julio excitedly hugging the box

-A new book!! Mommy, will you read it with me?!- Victoria said excitedly, Mirabel knew how much her daughter loved to read and listen to stories

-A repair manual!! great, with this I'll be able to fix anything!!- said Pedro excitedly since he always wants to help repair things.

Before they could get any more excited, Dolores appeared at the door and told them that it was time for the ceremony.

The children got down of the bed and Mirabel gave them one last look to see that everything was in order and without further ado, along with Mariano, told them to follow them but Pedro forgot to close his gift box so he returned to the nursery and without releasing it he stumbled on the table where the framed green glass image that his mother had shown him moments before was located and it ended up falling to the floor breaking into pieces

-Oh no no, it's mami's favorite vision!- said Pedro pick up one of the pieces-I have to fix it-...-

Mirabel returned to the nursery when she heard the noise -Pedro, are you okay?!- She asked, checking him

-I'm fine...but Mom's favorite vision... I'm sorry- Pedro said sadly

Mirabel looked at the ground and saw the shattered vision -It's okay Pedro, the most important thing is that you are fine- she said hugging him -Come on, the ceremony awaits for you-

Pedro kept the piece he had collected in one of his pockets and followed his mother

The entire town was present, all curious to know if the new members of the Madrigal family would receive their gifts that night.

Pedro, Victoria and Julio were the center of attention, together they climbed the stairs and agreeing to help the community, each one approached their respective door and when they touched the doorknob this ones lit up.

First Pedro decided to take out the piece of green glass that he had in his pocket and it began to give off a golden light and suddenly the missing pieces came flying to him and joined together with the one that he had in his hand, showing the vision that his mother adored so much and then Pedro understood that he had fixed the vision, his gift was to be able to fix broken things and when entering his room he found materials that are used to fix things and also found a new frame that he could use to put the green glass that he had just repaired to give to his mother.

Victoria did not feel different but suddenly she began to remember, so many things, many memories and even the smallest detail, Victoria had the gift of having a very good memory and when she opened her room she found that the walls were large shelves full of books.

Julio could multiply himself, creating copies of himself, which made him happy, since he now has someone else to help him with the construction games that he liked so much and entering his room, found various types of construction tools and excited he approached everything he could find in his new room.

-Mom, Dad look!! - the three said coming out of their rooms

-I can fix things!! Here mami the vision- said Pedro giving the now fixed vision to his mother, who received it with a warm smile

-I can remember everything...and I mean everything even the smallest detail!!- said Victoria holding one of the books that she found in her new room

-I can make several copies of myself, now I have someone else to play with and who will help me build new things- said Julio next to a copy of himself giving it a high-five

Mariano and Mirabel hugged their children and the people of the town congratulated them and all together celebrated the gifts of the new Madrigal triplets.


Muy bien, hasta aquí llegamos!!

I really liked writing this, I had the idea in my head and I knew that if I didn't get it out I would end up forgetting it and then I would regret it, even more since there is no material from this ship

♡Thank you for reading ♡

☆I want you to choose me ☆Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora