Chapter 33- The start of something new

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Marinette recalled her previous visit to this location. Although it had been several years, the recollections lingered in her mind as if they had happened just yesterday. Adrien had come here for his father's store opening and had made every effort to bring Marinette with him. Marinette recalled the model over pushing himself and adding extra piano lessons in order to persuade his father to allow her to accompany him. They worked in the restaurant for a week in China, and he attempted to teach her Chinese. Obviously, he failed.

Marinette chuckled at the recollection. Those were the glory days. Those were the moments she hoped she could go back to and relive. Inside, the memories were killing her. She was supposed to be here to forget about that blonde jerk, but she couldn't stop thinking about him. That's not to say she would ever confess to it.

It wasn't that she wanted to hide it, but Luka was attempting to make her happy, and the least she could do was try, or at the very least pretend to be happy. Marinette despised it when Luka expressed concern for her. His agonized expression made her feel terrible. He had accomplished so much in the previous week, and he deserved more than her tears. Marinette could tell Luka was putting up his best effort, and she admired him for it.

Luka's company had been more than helpful, and Marinette was uncertain if she could have made it this far without him. No, that was not true! Marinette was positive she wouldn't have made it very far because a week ago, she was almost ended her agony and jumped off the Eiffel Tower. Luckily, the thought of Luka stopped her in time. He had high expectations of her and knew she would not let him down.

Marinette grinned as she sat back in her chair. They were currently laying together on their hotel room's couch. Marinette had some time to ponder after Luka fell asleep in the middle of the movie.

During the past week, Luka had been nothing short of amazing. He was so incredibly thoughtful. In a matter of days, he had become her shoulder to cry on, her confidant, and her friend. Luka always went out of his way to ensure her happiness, and the times she cried, it would only take him a second to appear by her side and take her in his arms, whispering encouraging words in her ear.

Luka was a dream come true. He made her feel as if she was loved. He gave her a sense of security. That's why she agreed to give him a chance only last night. He was the reason she'd be flying back to Paris shortly, full of new confidence, determination, and a new boyfriend.


Marinette and Luka were sitting in a booth, quite exhausted. They had worked hard all day, and it was only minutes past closing time. It had been the busiest day of their stay so far. The two young adults had barely eaten anything all day unless you consider licking a spoon to be eating."My uncle is making us something to eat.

"You are probably hungry. I know I am," Marinette giggled. Luka nodded in agreement and smiled. Somehow, even sweaty and exhausted, Marinette was still the most beautiful woman in the world.

Marinette blushed as she caught him staring at her. His eyes were filled with admiration, and dared she say, love? Luka bit his lip as he made eye contact with the bluenette. He wanted to tell her what he felt. Luka yearns to kiss her. The truth was Luka had wanted to do so all week, but he knew she was not ready. But Luka had enough. Tonight was his night, he had her here all to himself, and he would not waste it.

"Mar-" Luka began but was quickly cut off by the loud ringing coming from Marinette's new phone. Luka watched as Marinette took a shaky breath and her eyes widened upon the sight of the contact picture. In clear sight was the name and image of the reason for all of Marinette's suffering. Adrien Agreste!

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