Dang this shit!

"I would! But I want to make sure that Dokja is alive! If he's alive then I'll be in his team and not yours." What a joke? We'll be in one team sooner later. So relax and you'll have two persons who knows the future.

"How are you gonna prove that he's still alive?"

"We'll see you together. Give me at least 15 days. After that you can either assume that I'm dead or I'm hiding from you."

Why would I even hide from you?

"I don't have that patience."

"Then it's your loss not mine."

I think that irked him.

"Why would you hide from me?"

That's what I also want to know.

"Dunno" I shrug.

"How would I trust your word?"

"Let's make a deal. Easy as that"

The constellation, Secretive Plotter is interested on your deal.

The constellation, The Abyssal Black Dragon is laughing at your decision.

Hmmm... So I draw their attention while Dokja is in the tummy of a giant fish.

A screen suddenly appear in front of me.


Yu Junghyeok wants to have a contract with you.

This damn regressor!

As I read the contract. I can't help but to realize that I might've change the story.

If I'll be in a contract with him.... Shit!

Aggh my brain won't cooperate with me.

"Fine, I agree with your contract."

Nothing is suspicious in his contract so why not agree.

"Let me tell you this... If you won't come to me within the 15 days I'll hunt you down." He said looking at me like he's serious at killing me.

"Don't worry! I'm not the type of person who'll abandon someone who could be use to my survival." Uhmm did that come harsh?

"Uhmmm... Excuse me. But we really should enter to a safe zone."

We look over to the person who talk.

Oh it's Myeongoh.

"You're right. The next main scenario might start. Let's get inside the station."

I walk over to Gilyeong and hold his hand.

Junghyeok seems to notice him and look at me.

"Your child?"

"No, this kid is our savior from the first scenario."

"Ahh the kid that he mentioned."

Is he too lazy to say Dokja's name?

"Yeah." I look at Gilyeong and ruffle his hair.

The constellation, Demonic Judge of Fire, is happy that you're fair.

Heh. I heard that this constellation is one of the loyal constellation out there.

We got inside the station.

"Sangah, Hyeonseong, Gilyeong stay close. We don't want to lose each other."

I told them. I forgot that this place is overcrowded.

"What about me?" Myeongoh said.

"You're old enough. You can handle yourself."

"You never respect me."

Really? The real owner of this body doesn't respect you?

"Y/n? What did the two of you talk about? We can't hear you earlier it seems that something is stopping us."

Hmm. Something is stopping them.

"About Dokja's condition."

"Really?! How is he?!"

"He's probably alive." Junghyeok suddenly appear besides me.

"That's great! It's not the best situation but I'm happy that he's still alive." Sangah said while Hyeonseong nodded in agreement.

"Where are we? Geumho station."

We rest at the Geumho station. There's this person who told us to pick a side.

There is two main group here. The minor and the major. Of course the three males had the chances to choose. Although only Myeongoh accepted the opportunity while the two males stay with us.

With that said the days quickly went by.


"What's the problem?"

"The people whose from the minor group haven't really gotten back lately." Sangah stated.

"I noticed that too!"

I know what's going on but... I'd rather not tell them that. Knowing these two they might have caused a scene here.

"I also noticed that. But we can't really do anything besides wait for them."

The two nodded. That's great those two are cooperating.

"Aren't you bored here?" Junghyeok suddenly asked.

"I am bored, why ask?"

"Then let's leave." He persuaded.

"No. Leave on your own, we had a contract."

"How will you find me?"

"I have my ways."

This past two days Junghyeok never stop persuading me about leaving the others. He will indirectly invite me to leave with him.

This guy is pissing me.

"I'll wait till tomorrow. If you won't change your mind then I'll be on my way but I won't forget about the contract."

"Yeah... Yeah whatever helps you."


God damn it!

I haven't really eaten proper meal since we arrive in this station.

"Noona are you hungry?"

"A little bit but I can handle this."

Another day has passed and now Junghyeok is asking me to leave with him.... Again..

"No, I already told you! I'll wait for Dokja."

"Suits yourself. I'll be on my way."

"Be careful Junghyeok Yu!"

"Be careful on your way!"

The others said farewell.

"Be sure to stay sane you bastard. I'll slap you once we see each other again."

"Make sure that Dokja is with you otherwise you won't get to slap me with that little hands of yours."

This jerk!

"Get lost already, you bastard! I'll see you and be prepared! This little hands of mine will be please to smack you!"

With that he get on in his short journey.

"Now what we will do?" Hyeonseong asked

"We'll wait for Dokja."

"Wait Y/n! How can you be so sure that he's alive."

"Because Junghyeok Yu didn't force me to come with him."

Now we'll meet tommorow Dokja. Come here already.

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