Chapter 2:A year after

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Izuku is having a little confident in here,And a man can be pregnant in here(Don't ask why).As i said this is just a fanfiction
No hard feelings if you saw your fav.character/s is a bit occ


Izuku's Pov:

1 year have been passed and here i am hoping that some miracle splash on me so i can finally earn a big amount of money.

I'm not a gold digger or something but it feels nice to buy anything you want,
My mom told me that it's fine but for me that's a big no.

I mean duh!Im 25 years old man and   (Totally made by me and by the way M/N is 28 in this fanfic) i still don't have a job.

I ruffle my hair and start opening my phone to see if there is gonna be a job opening in any site.

I start scrolling and saw a news from AGGB corp,they were finding a secretary,a man or a woman

I know this company

I mean they like the most richest corporation here in Japan and not to mention,They own a multicompany and the rumors said that a month ago the only son of the chairman finally take over his place and become the new president.

Even in 6 months he make a great accomplishment and they said he is really good looking and muscular.

Their company become more popular because of a 'god like CEO'.

I scroll a bit more and saw that tomorrow will be the day of the interview

Well it's not hard to try,And if i become the secretary then i can finally get a job and my problem will be solved

I just hope that my luck is in my side tomorrow

I hopefully thought and finally drifting into the unconsciousness


"I told you already i don't need a fucking engagement dad!" I shout at my dad because he is obviously trying to tie me up to some rich kids

"M/N,Im not getting younger and i want a grandchildren" My father say to me

I just rolled my eyes at him, "What am i?Some baby maker or some shit" i mumble

I feel a stinging feeling in my forehead because my father just throw me a slipper (Yep that's the ultimate weapon here in the Philippines 😑🖐️) A fucking bathroom slippers!

"Don't curse at your father young man! Or else i will call your mother to discipline you" He said,I groan and stomp my feet on the ground.

I looked at him and sigh,"Then don't force me to marry dad" I said

"Are you still not get over about him son?" He said to me,I just stood still when my father mention him.

I smile sadly,"Maybe I'm not still ready to forget him but i know i can manage"

I feel him pat my back

"At least give a try on this marriage and if you still don't want it or you got yourself a new lover then it's okay to stop this in instant" My father assured me.

I sigh and just noded,"Yeah,Maybe let's have a try on this engagement or something"

He sit on his rocking chair,Damn old man,And open his newspapers.

"I heard that your finding a new secretary tomorrow?" He asked not bother to look up his eyes.

"Yeah i kinda need one since the last one try to seduce me" I chuckle and take a sip at my coffee.

He just hummed and about to say something when i heard the voice of my mom, barely cutting him off.

"Of course what can i say he got my genes and my face"

I saw my mom grinned teasingly at my dad.

"Hey if it didn't because off my seeds then this boy won't be born so don't take all the credit woman!"

My father yelled

"Seriously dad,Your disgusting",I said in my annoy voice,My mother smack him and he grunting in pain

"Your son is right,Your so old to make such a vulgar comment" mom scold him

My mom turn to me,"I heard that your gonna have an engagement honey,Are you sure your okay with that?" She asked me.

"Yeah guess so"

I heard my mother sigh and just sit beside my father

"After 3 months,Your engagement is going to revealed from the media and the whole country,so prepare M/N" My father reminded me.

"There also a big company so if the marriage continues our both side will have good benefits",My father added.

Now I'm curious

"What's industry are there in dad?"
I asked him,He look up at me in his bore eyes,"They're been in food industry and not to mention they have the most open restaurants in japan and in the other countries"

He explained to me,I just nod and continuing sipping my coffee.

"So it's mean we need them or something?" I asked again.

My father just shook his head,"No even though that they are strong in the criteria of foods doesn't mean they can beat us in economics industry",He said

I hummed and just noded

"Okay,Last question"I said

My father just grunt and give me an annoy impression,"What it is again?"

"Who is gonna be my fiance?" i asked to me,filling my eyes with curiosity.

"Katsuki Bakugou"

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