cold days out

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This is my welcome back
(I'm writing this beside my mom wish me luck)

(Also I will still do everyone's requests I haven't forgotten:) )

L o a d i n g . . . .

(Yes I'm bringing that back)

💜"Shu shu wake up"

Kaito shaking shuichi up out of his sleep

💙"What's wrong kaito, did something happen"

💜"No look outside it's snowing"

Shuichi look outside to see snow pile on snow outside his window

💙"Well it's really beautiful but why wake me u-"

Shuichi was interrupted by kaito's outburst


💙"Kaito it's too early to play just go back to sleep"

💜"But I got all dressed"

And by defeat by kaito's puppy eyes they went outside
Throwing snowballs at each other,going for small walks,looking at the lights  just having a nice day out till it got dark

💜"That was so much fun let's do that again soon"

💙"Yea maybe"

💜"Well I'm going to run a hot bath"

💙"Oh well I hope you enjoy"

💜"No no you're coming with me"


Kaito dragged shuichi to the bathroom and started the bath once it was finished they both got in

(ok headcanon time)

💙"Kaito can I say something"

💜"Go on I'm listening"

💙"You were so energetic today like you never went outside why is that?"

💜"Well my parents never took my out when I was little and since I stayed with my grandparents they weren't really in shape to move around like that"

💜"The alone time I went was at school and that was barely enough but I was glad anyways so yeah"

💙"I'm sorry that happened to you kai"

💜"Nah don't be I'm alright now"

"Well you can have the bath I'll take a shower and cook dinner"

💙"Alright love you  you goodball"

💜"Love you too blueberry sushi"


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