A brand new life

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Ash got married to N and he got ash pregnant and has his baby bump

Ash: wow N can you believe it tomorrow morning the doctor are going tell the gender

N: I know soon as they tell us will fine a room and painted all nice

Ash: you sure

N: of course we're rich saw not big deal

Tomorrow morning at the doctors place

Doctor: alright ash the gender mechanical said that your Having a...girl

Ash: a girl *did a surprise face* can you believe this N

N: yeah we're having little princess saw when the delivery

Doctor: in 7 months

Ash: alright then

Soon they went home and decorate a room with pink and stars it was a princess castle baby bedroom all pink and light purple teddy bears and a mirror play table and house

Ash: ohh my stars N it's like a dream she going love this room

N: yep I know saw but what are going to name her

Ash: uhhh Nina or Millie or even star

N: hmm I think Nina is a good name

Ash: fine Millie sounds cute but Nina ok then

7 months later

Ash: *screaming in pain* god it hurts saw much!!!! *holding N hand*

N: I know love but your doing fantastic *wiping his sweats*

Doctor: almost there keep pushing I think I can see the head

N: just one more push then it's over sweetheart

Ash: ahhhhhh!!! *let out a another one*

As baby comes out rapped her up in a soft pink blanket and nurser give the baby to him

Ash: ohh N she saw beautiful like an angel

She has messed green hair with little black hair and brown and blue eyes light brown skin

N: hey there princess I'm your daddy and that's your mommy *point at ash*

She was confused

Nurse: what's her name

Ash: Nina Ketchum

Nurse: alright then Nina Ketchum

Soon they went home they showed her her bedroom

N: welcome to your room cupcake

Nina: * squeak*

Ash: she squeaked very adorable

Ghetsis and Delia Walks inside the castle fine N and ash and Delia saw the baby in his arms

Delia: ohh there's the little baby *poke her cheek* you look like your daddy

Ash: yeah she look half like me a bit

Delia: still cute

Ghetsis: I can't believe this that you got that little boy pregnant didn't even tell me

Ash: uhhh Ghetsis your scaring my baby 

N: yeah dad leave him alone you got to pay respect to him and your granddaughter

Delia: he got a point Ghetsis

Ghetsis: *growls* no no this is all wrong she never going to be my granddaughter *walks away and walk to the exit*

Ash heartbroken and shocked with a sad look

Ash: why does Ghetsis hates me saw much *sniffs and crying*

N: he just an old man honey

Delia: yeah you know what that man needs to be talked to I'll be back *walks out*

Ash: still he hates me and our daughter

N: stop talking nonsense he's just- *he saw Nina sleeping* ohh Nina is sleeping

Ash: all of that talking got her tied huh

Meanwhile outside

Delia: Ghetsis pay respect to my son he's only 18

Ghetsis: his a worthless boy he not a prince or king

Delia: he may not be a prince or king but he's still my son

Soon there talking was over they decided to have a lunch date and soon as Nina wake up she was crying loud

Ash: talk about super sonic

N: let me see *holds her* happy Nina

She clams down

Ash: that's good but I think she hungry *feed her*

Soon it was nighttime Nina fell back to sleep.

Pokémon love story N x AshWhere stories live. Discover now