"Well, she can join the club. Why don't I have someone trying to protect me?" I say, more to myself than anyone.

Maybe if I did, I wouldn't be an immortal right now.

"Her mate...He hired me. He is from another realm. As am I," Eryk continues. I realise coldly that he's terrified of her mate, of what he could potentially do to him.

And then it hits me.

"Stace..." I say aloud, unsure of whether I'm right about it, but who else is from another realm, currently occupying this one, who has enough power to elicit fear in this reasonably capable man in front of me?

Eryk's eyes widen. "You know?"

"I know Stace. He killed me," I snap. Digging my hands through my hair. I can't escape the man...I thought I would at least have a few days where I could reunite with my mate and not think about my murderer.

Eryk tilts his head, confused. "But you stand here, alive."

"I'm Immortal. I got out," I say dismissively. I shouldn't even be here explaining this to a complete stranger, even if we are connected by this one, large problem in our lives. "Not that is matters. I need to get back to Cian."

"Your mate is a Sin?"

I nod.

"Then there is no way I can trust you around Aven. I cannot be sure you won't hurt her." He's suddenly serious, seeming to remember his job title. I step back, aware that he isn't going to let up until I leave, and I'm not stepping back into that snow right now...

I roll my eyes, backing toward the stairs. "Get over yourself-"

He lurches forward, grabbing for me. Having already anticipated that, I slide back, trying not to slip as I concentrate on my thoughts. I imagine my hands wrapping around his neck, that he is helpless, and sure enough, Eryk halts his attack, hands coming up to his neck.

It works.

I don't let my surprise knock my concentration, as I back away, letting him choke on his knees for a moment, before I finally let him go.

"I can kill you, but I don't want to," I say slowly, my voice shaking. Eryk coughs, breathing heavily as he looks up at me, trying to figure out how I managed to render him useless. "Now find my mate, and I won't tell Aven you exist."

He doesn't say anything, but I know he isn't going to follow me.

Rushing down stairs, my mind whirs with information. He's from another realm...he told me so. Which means my powers work, regardless of where someone is from. That means they can work against Stace, giving me a chance to render him useless enough for one of the purebloods to finally kill him.

"Everything alright?" Aven asks as I approach.

"Yes, of course," I assure her, although I'm sure I look flustered.

"I have a heated pool. Would you like a swim?" she asks, grinning. I smile back, enjoying the sound of something heated.

"I can't say no to that."

Aven wasted no time getting me something to swim in. When she came back downstairs, she seemed none-the-wiser, meaning Eryk is gone. If I stay here the night, there is a chance he will kill me in my sleep, but I'm just going to have to take that chance.

"Have you found your mate?" I ask curiously, unable to help myself as I dip into the pool, following Aven, who has already submerged herself.

She seems so relaxed and unbothered...She has no idea.

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