After a long day of filming we were nearing the end of our series. I didn't love this series too much. It was boring and cliche but I did get to meet Nagito here.. so of course it means a lot to me!
"Okay so for tomorrow you got a winter swim suit shoot... Then you got a lingerie commercial for Secret Pink!" Makoto said.
"Wasn't there anything else..." I sighed.
"Not really... these paid the most for you.." makoto patted me on the shoulder.
"Alright. I'll be ready." I packed my bag up and then makoto walked me out to the front entrance where Nagito was waiting.
Makoto knew we were dating and helped us keep it quiet. I waved good bye to makoto but she was already on another call.
Nagito and I made our way to her company car and finally back home! Chiaki lived surprisingly closer to this apartment so he was watching Yuki at home, and when we got home he had to leave for night classes.
"Yay!" Yuki cheered as she ran to us.
"Hey baby!" I picked her up and hugged her.
She snuggled into me.
"Did Chiaki make you dinner?" I asked,
"Mhm! I had Mac n cheese!!" She cheered.
"Cartoon time?" She asked.
"Sure!" I smiled and brought her to the living room with the tv.
I turned the tv on for her. "Only an hour okay? Then bed time!" I smiled.
"Mhmm!" She said as she quickly got invested in the show playing.
I sighed as I went to the kitchen to find Nagito. Tired from work I opened the fridge and grabbed out a bottle of water better get my work out done. I went to the bedroom changing into a sports bra and shorts and put my gyms on and my hair into a ponytail. Thank god Nagito has a small work out area in here. I began to run on the treadmill.
"Oh so your in here!" She said walking in.
"Mhm! Yukis watching cartoons right now!" I said as I continued to work out.
"Alright!" She smiled and continued to watch.
"C-can I help you?.." I asked.
"No no! Just watching you!" She smiled,
It made me nervous. Watching me! I looked over to her and then traced her eyes to my chest that was bouncing as a I ran. Again?
I just continued and eventually she left. My alarm went off and I stopped my work out. I went to go get yuki. The tv was off. Maybe she got tired and made nagito put her to bed? I walked to her room and she was fast asleep. Im glad..
I walked to the kitchen to grabbed a banana before I'd have to shower again.
"Hello!" Nagito said.
"Oh hey!" I smiled.
"Yuki had fallen asleep earlier so I put her to bed!" She smiled.
"Thank you! She must have had a hard day at school!" I laughed.
"Definitely! She was a bit fussy about getting into pjs though..." she sighed.
"Ah right! It's probably because uou put her in the wrong ones for today!" I giggled.
"W-wrong ones?" He asked.
"Yep! She likes pink on Tuesday's!" I said.
"W-wow..." she sighed.
"I'm gonna take a shower!" I smiled as I recycled my water bottle.
"Need help in there?~" she giggled.
"I'll be fine!" I said as I left the kitchen.
Again?! I mean... since the beginning she's been touchy with me.. I've heard people have different love languages. Maybe hers is touch? I feel bad.. but I just feel sexualized again..
I snuggled into bed after my shower. Nagito seemed pretty tired because she hadn't noticed I skipped dinner and was fast asleep. I snuggled in and fell asleep too.

Nagito and I had to go our separate ways for the day. And god was I suffering. First was my winter photo shoot. They made us stand out in the freezing cold of an ice skating rink with a green screen to act like we were in, who god knows we're in tight bikinis to appeal to men.
They were for men's magazines. No technically porn just lingerie. And god I hated it. I was freezing in that ice rink. In a white bikini with a the thinnest silk robe which really just made me colder. But I got my photos taken and the photographer wouldn't stop touching my chest to "make sure it was positioned right" I'm not stupid. But I acted like it to get through it.
Then was the lingerie shoot for a very very well known store Secret Pink that every lady shopped at. I didn't mind this one as much. It wasn't sexually it was just to sell panties and bras, all Christmas themed even though it's only fall. It would take them that long to edit them and get the magazine ready for Christmas time and a bit before that so people can buy it and see it before Christmas.
But the creepy photographers wouldn't stop touch all of us on the shoot. I heard the other girls talking about it as well so it wasn't just me, I was just happy to have my normal clothes back on.
I was dressed and ready to go home, it was late already. Makoto drove me back to Nagito's place. I was sad I wouldn't be able to say good night to yuki. It was too late, I got into the apartment and walked to yukis room to check on her.
Nagito must still be gone. I took my shower ate a small potato and then was done for the night so I went to change in my pjs when I heard the bedroom door open.
"Oh hello!" Nagito smiled as she walked in.
"Hey! How was work?" I asked as I stripped myself.
"Hmm.. alright..." I heard her coming up behind me.
But then she hugged me tightly and her hand was on my chest.
I couldn't stand it anymore. I shoved her hand off and backed up.
"Stop it! God! All you ever do is stare at my boobs or touch them! Im not some stupid sex object I'm your girlfriend!" I finally snapped.
After today I couldn't take one more time being sexulized.
She backed up and looked at me shocked but also confused. I could see she looked hurt. Her hands were by her own chest now. She looked a bit scared.
"R-right sorry! I didn't- um... good night hinata.." she said before leaving the room.
"W-wait I-" the bedroom door closed.
Oh no.. I shouldn't have snapped at her like that. She even called me Hinata instead of Hajime. I'm so dumb. I shouldn't have done that!
I knew that she was touchy! It's just how she shows her love! Why do I have to be this way? I'm so sorry Nagito..
I fell to my knees crying. As I hugged myself trying not to be loud. I cried as I put on a t shirt and tried to get into bed. She'll come back right? When she comes back to bed I'll hug her and apologize.
I cried and hugged my knees. But a few minutes turned into a few hours. It was 3 am. I was off and on crying. Feeling terrible about myself and my body, I'm not good for her. She deserves so much better! Maybe I'm not good enough!!
Because of how I'm treated at work I take it on her! That's not fair!! I'm terrible! How could I accuse her of that?! I'm the worst girlfriend in the world.
I heard the door crack open and my teary eyes shot up to the door. Nagito was standing there. She looked sleepy but then looked schooled as she saw me awake.
"Y-your still up?.." she asked as she closed the door.
I sniffled when I opened my mouth to speak I couldn't. My chest felt tight and I felt like I couldn't even breath. I began crying again and hide my face in the blankets.
I felt miserable. Terrible for what I did to her and I couldn't even speak up and apologize. All I could do was cry.
"Oh!" I heard her come close and looked up as she went to wrap her arms around me but then they retracted.
Which just broke my heart even more, now she's scared to touch me too? I couldn't stop my crying, she looked around confused what to do, and As much as I wanted to I couldn't communicate to her why I was crying.
And I was crying because I couldn't speak but I couldn't speak and tell her why I was crying! I tried to reach out for her. Grabbing the bottom of her shirt as I cried desperately for help.
She looked down before taking a deep breath and just hugging me tightly. I held her back immediately. Showing her I wanted the touch. I cried into her shoulder as I tried to say I was sorry. After a few minutes I calmed down.
"I'm sorry.." I sniffled.
"Baby.. it's not your fault. I'm sorry.. I've never had a girlfriend before. I am truly in love with you! But I've never been touched or someone like I do with you.. it's special.. and I realized I went over board..." she said.
"No no it's okay.. it's your love language. I can tell... Because even when I hold your hand you brighten up. It's just.. today at work my chest was fondled all day and I was uncomfortable.. I hated it so much. I snapped earlier. I'm sorry. Even if it made me uncomfortable it wasn't right for me to yell at you when you didn't know." I apologized.
"I'm sorry.. I'll lay off a bit. I love you and I want you to be comfortable. I don't want you to be uncomfortable with me. But.. Hajime, you really shouldn't be letting men grab you like that.." she said.
"I-I don't let them! But what am I supposed to do? I'm doing my job.. I don't want to be blacklisted..." I sighed.
"Stop accepting those gross photoshoots." She said.
"I can't! I need the money.." I sniffled.
"You have me! You don't have to worry about money! I could care less if you didn't have a job at all! Maybe you like acting, join my company! I'll help you get better gigs!" She smiled.
"I can't do that... Nagito that's your money..." I said.
"No no.. whats mine is yours. What else am I gonna do with my money. Id love to spend it on you and Yuki! Let me give you the world!" She said.
"Makoto.. our company works hard. Mr. Togami just thinks it's best I focus on my body then my acting..." I sighed.
"That's such bullshit. Your acting is great! I joined the show just to act with you! Hajime that company is treating you and Makoto like crap! I can easily offer you two spots at my company!" She smiled,
"I'll talk to Makoto about it..." I said.
"Great! Crap.. it's really late... we have to be up in two hours. Have you slept tonight?" She asked,
"Not yet..." i said.
"You should call in sick.." she said.
"Nagito no I can't-" she cut me off.
"Yes you can. Please take care of yourself. Don't think I haven't noticed you starving yourself. Please Hajime. I'm worried. Your overwhelmed and tired and probably hungry. Let's stay home together okay? No sex. I promise." She smiled.
My heart felt so warm. She really meant that. She really wanted to just love and take care of me.
I hugged her tightly, "Please I'd love that so much.."
she smiled and we both picked up our phones. Nagito only had one meeting that wasn't important. And I messaged Makoto saying I got a high fever from the cold swim suit shoot and I'd need to change my meetings at corporate.
I shut my alarms off and Nagito got off the bed to use the bathroom and then came back.
"I'll get Yuki ready for school okay? You just sleep in.." she smiled,
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Positive! I meant what I said. I love Yuki and I wanna help you with your responsibilities of raising her.." she smiled,
"Nagito..." I felt like I was gonna cry again.
"Ah! No more crying! Let's get to bed okay baby?"
She smiled,
I nodded my head. She cuddled into the bed and I cuddled into her. Her arms wrapped around my back and holding me close.
"I love you Hajime..."
"I love you too.." I kissed her lips before shutting my eyes to fall asleep.
I woke up late. It was definitely noon. I could tell from the light outside. I looked over to see Nagito sleeping soundly next to me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I'm still tired...
"Hajime.." she sat up.
"Mhm?" I looked over.
She opened her arms to me and hurried myself into her and used her chest like a nice pillow, warm soft... It was easy to fall back asleep but after another hour or two I woke up and felt a lot better and so did Nagito.
"Hungry?" She smiled.
"It's okay to admit it Hajime. You're allowed to be hungry and want to eat." She smiled softly,
"I'm really hungry..." I sighed,
"Great! Me too!" She said as she popped out of the bed.
We went to the kitchen and had an amazing breakfast. Nagito wouldn't let me see the calories and for once it was kinda nice to eat with out worry. And seeing her smile while I ate. No disapproval that I was eating.
Afterwards we both did yoga together. And it was nice and relaxing. We both helped each other stretch our bodies out and somehow she ended up pinning me to the floor.
But I could tell there was no intention to it. All she did was lean down and place a kiss on my lips before helping me up. My face flushed from the wonderful kiss.
Then we both had melon for a snack and she suggested we go out to grab boba. But I didn't wanna leave the house and get ready in case paparazzi saw us. So she ordered it to us and we got to enjoy it at home. I was what I'd order might be high in calories but she tricked me and I showed her the one I wanted. It was a brown sugar milk tea and it looked so good.. she surprisingly doesn't like sweet things. So she got a matcha milk with a milk cap,
We both sat on the couch watching a cute show as we enjoy our boba tea. I was in her lap cuddled agaisnt her. She wrapped her arms around my belly holding me tightly.
"Yes?" She answered.
"This was really nice. Thank you.." I smiled up at her.
"I'm glad.. I love you." She kissed my cheek.
Pretty soon Yuki came home and for once I gotta play with her for the rest of the day! She was happy and I did whatever she wanted!
She played hide n seek with Nagito and I, we played tag, we played it all! And then it was time for dinner. We all cooked together. Making a good meal for us all at the request of Yuki.
We ate and she told us all about her school day and her friends. It was nice. Almost as if we were a family. I missed this feeling so much.
Afterwards Yuki was tired and Nagito helped me put her to bed. Then it was time for us to go to bed too. We showered and buried our teeth. Getting everything ready for tomorrow to go back to work.
We laid down in the bed and she brought me close to her.
"Thank you Nagito.. for today.." I smiled.
"Mm.. of course. I'm glad you enjoyed it.." she smiled and brushed my hair out of my face.
We both leaned in for a kiss that last a few seconds long before pulling away and snuggling in close and falling asleep.

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