Part 1

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One more mile. Just one more mile and I'm home. I tell the driver to turn left on to Sunnyvale Court. My heart pounds under my black shirt, I'm shocked to find that I'm nervous. After two years I've learnt to control my emotions and fears, having to constantly looking over your shoulder does that to you. The taxi stops two doors down from Kota's. This is it. I'm finally going to see my boys again. Despite my nerves a huge grin stretches across my face, only to disappear seconds later. What if they've moved on? Forgot about me? I stop these thought before I lose myself. I start to walk to Kota's house, I take two steps when I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around to look and I can't seem to breath because only ten feet away is a boy I have hoped to see for two years.

"Sang? Is that really you?" Kota stands still as if he doesn't believe I'm really here, only steps away. His face is as white as a sheet with dark circles under his eyes. His hair is a complete mess and looks like it hasn't been brushed in days. I start to walk forwards and he takes a step back.

"It's really me. I'm home." This snaps him out of it and he rushes towards me and envelopes me in big, rib-crushing hug. I hug back with everything I have and burst into tears. I haven't cried in years, it's a sign or weakness and weakness must be crushed.

"I've missed you so much. I can't even-" He breaks off with a sob. This surprises me, I have never seen Kota cry before. This must have been hard on him. He suddenly lets me go and grabs his phone out of his front pocket. "I need to tell the others you're back!"

Once he finished informing the others he pulled me into another hug. This time he didn't let go for a long time.


Sorry the chapter is so short I don't really get much time to write. I will try to write as often as I can but I can't promise anything. I hope you liked it and don;t forget to comment!

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