The Boy in the Dark

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Draco looked up and saw a dark figure standing in the mist. The silhouette of a boy. He was as tall as him. Pale skin, blond hair and deep dark eyes.
Everything around him went numb. "Francis is that you ?" Draco asked. His voice was stuttering and full of angst. He had heard tales from his mother- of the brother he never had. The brother who was supposed to be suffering with him when the dark lord rose. The brother who was supposed to be with him when his parents failed him. Yet here he was, preaching in the Muggle world, innocent as hell not knowing what was going on.

The boy seemed more confused than scared now. He stood in silence with an idol tightly pressed against his hand. He seemed to be chanting a mantra that Draco did not recognize.
"FRANCIS IS THAT YOU ?" Draco screamed. The boy flinched at this. Draco's screams echoed in the dark streets of London liberating all the pain he had been holding on to.
He remembered when his mom had grasped his hand in her last breath, telling him he has to find her long lost son who had no idea what the Wizarding world was. He remembered when the magical community accused him of raising Voldemort's son.
He remembered Astoria; the way she had nervously laughed it off when people started rumors about them. The concern in her eyes when it started getting serious. Draco shook the memory out of his head.

The boy had ran off. He was gone; leaving an air of silence in the place. Draco stood up straight. He wasn't sure how he felt. 'Was he supposed to cry ?' He asked himself. He felt void of all the humanly emotions that had possessed him till then. He had expected the latter to understand him, to hold him close and calm him when he broke down on all the things that he had gone through in the past years. But Francis had deserted him.

Of all the things Draco had wished for in life, this seemed the least believable. He had wished Harry Potter had chosen him instead of Weasley in their first year. He had wished Parvati Patil would go to the Yule Ball with him during their fourth year. He had wished for a better family during his seventh year.
Now he wishes for someone who could understand his adult trauma. His mom was dead. Astoria was gone. His boy, Scorpius was too young to take up this weight. Francis had been his last hope but now-

He heard something. There was someone (or something) around. He hoped it wasn't the dementors who had come to suck on his tormented soul. He drew out his wand even though he knew he wouldn't be able to cast a Patronus in this state.

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