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All I could see was bright light. Not the kind that hurts your eyes but the gentle kind that wakes you up on cold mornings. I could make out some objects, a drawer, a desk, a bookshelf. It looked like a room, but whose?

Then I felt a warmth in my hands. My hands felt heavy, I looked down to see it was interlocked with other fingers. I was holding someone's hands. It felt so safe, so comfortable. But all I could see was hands, I tried my best to look up and see the person's face but I couldn't.

The light started to get brighter and everything went white.

And I woke up.

I opened my eyes to see the dark corners of my room. I looked at the alarm at my beside to see the time '3:30'.

I sighed before getting up to get a glass of water.

Another dream. I have been having these recurring dreams a lot, there is always a person there. But I can never see their face though I desperately want to. Sometimes it hurts, not a physical hurt but an emotional one. I feel so many things yet I don't know why.

"How'd you sleep?" my best friend Jennie asked me.

"Fine. Why do you ask?"

"Unnie, you can't lie to me. You have very clear dark circles under your eyes"

I remained silent.

"It's those dreams again isn't it? You sure you don't wanna go to doctor Im again? Just to be safe"

"Jennie I haven't gone to doctor Im in over 6 months. And for good reason too, the accident happened 5 years ago, I'm totally fine now"

"I know but still" I could see the worry in her eyes. The accident was never a good topic for her.

I had gotten into a car accident 5 years ago. Though I don't remember anything about it, I don't remember a lot of stuff.

When I woke up I apparently forgot a lot of things. More specifically, i forgot everything from when i entered college onwards. I had three best friends, Jennie, Lisa and Rosé. But I didn't remember a thing about Lisa and Rosé. I only remembered Jennie because we had been friends since we were kids.

But since I was so close to Lisa and Rosie, they stuck by me despite me not remembering them and we are still best friends. I just don't have any memories of them before the accident.

Doctor Im Nayeon is a neurologist. She has helped me with my memory ever since the accident, but six months ago it was pretty much decided that I probably wouldn't regain my memories, and so my trips to the doctor had ended.

But these dreams have been happening for about 3 weeks now, and seeing how scared Jennie looked, I decided to go for her.

"Dreams huh? What kind of dreams?" Doctor Im asked.

"I don't know, there is a lot of light and I can barely make out anything in them"

"Are there any other people in the dream?"

I paused. "Yes...but I don't know who. The most I have seen till now is there hands, they were holding mine"

"Hmm, interesting."


"Yes, this could be a good thing Jisoo don't worry. We might be able to help your memory, maybe even get it back. But we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves."

I honestly don't even know if I want my memory back. It just seems like a Pandora's box that I don't want to open. Besides, my life is good now. I have a steady job, good friends and a boyfriend.

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