sad (most likely) ending

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a few days after Chopper broke up with me the kaminoans came to pick me up. I came willing... I was tired and sore... i hadn't eaten the past few days out off fear my brothers had poisoned my food out off vengence for what i had done so i didn't put up a fight. When i got out off my cell and walked to the gunship that was going to transport to kamino I pushed "send" on one final message i had written to Ventress on a datapad i had managed to keep hidden under my all blacks.

Hello assaij

Well... i have been caught... and in a few days their going to cut me open... probably...

I Assume your either to bussy to come and get me or you could care less.. in either case... i have only one regret... That i hurt my lover Chopper with my actions... he didn't understood... he didn't listened to me assaij.... he broke up with me right before the end.

Whatever happens i will never forget the short taste off freedom I enjoyed thanks to you.

Thank You assaij... thank you for everything


"Goodbye Chopper... i will never forget you..." I thought, looking back at my old squad standing behind me. Gus, chester, punch and sketch looked at me with disgruntled faces and Chopper... Chopper wasn't even looking at me. Probably hiding that he was crying. "Oo Chopper.... I am so sorry"

"Any last words to your squad CT-3527?" The kaminoan in charge asked me with a stern voice. This made me look up at her angrily before i turned to my squad.

"No... i think i said all i had to..." I replied looking each off my old squad mates directly in the eye. As i said this ending by Chopper.... who's gaze i kept for the longest while. Taking in every inch off his face one last time before i gave him our sign for goodbye... while i mouthed "i'm sorry" to him.

Chopper looked at me with a shocked look when i did this before he also made our goodbye sign after which he put up his middle finger, making me look away and calmly walked along the gunship. Chop would never forgive me... i would die as i started out after my badmates were killed... all alone...

"Brakker, Sleet, hale... I am coming... not match longer to go now" I thought. Closing my eyes after looking up at the sky one last time, biding it farewell, knowing this would be the last time I would ever see the sun

Well I got my wish I lived for a little while like everyone else....


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