Chapter 42: The Department of Mysteries - Part II

Start from the beginning

"Ron!" you yelled as he collapsed in front of you, and you turned to the Death Eater who'd hit him. "Levicorpus!" you cast, which caused him to fly upside down by his feet, and then you dropped him hard on his head, knocking him out cold. A spell hit the wall right above your head, and you silently stunned your attacker and sent them crumpling to the ground as you fell to your knees beside Ron.

He immediately sat up and grinned at you, blood covering his teeth and lips, "Y/N!" He yelled and he threw his arms around you. "Ron? You're alright?" you pulled back to look at him and he had a dazed, almost drunk look on his face.

He reached up and patted your head, "I'm very okay! I'm bloody fantastic! But Y/N, you should be a Weasley. Marry Freddie and you WILL be!" he burst into a fit of giggles, "you'll be my big sister! Oh look- we're in space, Y/N! BLOODY SPACE!" Your brain couldn't even comprehend what he was talking about as he sent a rapid stream of conversation your way and then pointed at the rotating planets like an excited child.

"Come on Ron, we've got to find Ginny and Luna!" you told him while you hauled him to his feet and he grinned stupidly at you again, "ha, Loony Lovegood." You ignored him and pulled him in the general direction you saw the other two running in.

You heard a scream and saw Ginny fall as a Death Eater gained on her, "Reducto!" you yelled, pointing at one of the planet replicas floating beside her attacker. It exploded and sent him flying hard into the wall, and fortunately Luna was at Ginny's side as you pulled Ron over, "I heard a crack," Luna said, biting her lip, "I think it's broken." Ginny groaned and her face was pale, a sheen of sweat was gathering on her forehead, matting her red hair to it.

"Why are you on the floor, you silly billy!" Ron said, grinning wildly at his sister as he plopped down on the floor beside her, peering right into her face. She glared at him and then looked at you, "what's wrong with him? Apart from the usual stuff, that is."

"I think it was a powerful Confundus Charm, but I don't know," you told her and she hissed in pain as she tried to get up. Luna caught her under the arm and helped her up, "I think we should try to find the others," she said as she stuck her wand behind her ear, tucking it into her curly blonde hair, using both hands to hold a limping Ginny upright.

You nodded and you dragged Ron off the ground. He skipped beside you like a small child and held your hand and swung it between you as he did so, and you decided right then that if you got out of there alive, you were never going to let him forget this. You stepped over the four fallen Death Eaters as you reached the door, and then you all pushed through it and into the entrance room and you sighed in relief when you saw the familiar shapes of your three other friends.

"Ron, Y/N! Ginny, Luna are you-"

"HARRY!" Ron said and he let go of your hand and flung his arms around Harry. "We were in space, Harry! We saw Uranus up close! Get it? URANUS!" He burst into another fit of giggles and fell to the floor in hysterics. Harry looked at you with wide eyes and then saw Luna setting a very pale Ginny to sit down against the wall.

"What happened?" he asked you and you exhaled heavily and told him, "four of them chased us into that space room, Ron was hit with some sort of Confundus Charm, and I think Ginny's ankle is broken. We just about- wait, what's wrong with Hermione?"

Your heart leaped to your throat as you looked over at the other two and saw Neville supporting an unconscious Hermione in his arms. You ran over and gripped her pale face in your hands, but she was out cold.

"She was hit with a curse of some sort, but we don't know what it was," Neville told you as he hoisted her up higher in his arms, "she's alive but won't wake up."

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now