Chapter 5: Settling In

Start from the beginning

That seemed to shut down any dissenting opinions.

"It seems our first mission is Ragnarok based on the brief time-table Wren has given us, is that right?" Cap asked.

You nodded. "The events of Ragnarok are the most immediate. We have until next year before Bucky is framed and you all get into an overly dramatic break-up. However, the longer we wait to get Loki on our side and Odin back in power, the more likely it is that Hela will come. Odin gets weaker the longer we wait. I don't know where in Norway he is, so we need some Asgardian assistance. Step one is to get Thor here and take care of Loki."

As you finished you couldn't help but let out a yawn. It was dark now, and you had been talking for what felt like forever. You were thirsty, hungry, and exhausted. Apparently, traveling between realities and explaining ten years' worth of movies to a team of superheroes will do that to you.

Tony must have seen your body language, because he stood up and signaled for you to do the same.

"Nope, Step 1 is get you some food and a shower," he said.

You weren't sure whether or not to be offended by the last part of his comment, but you quickly realized he was right. Your hair was a mess and your arms and legs were smudged with dirt and grass stains from your not-so-graceful fall from the portal. Additionally, you realized you reeked of old coffee, glancing down to see that you still had stains all over your shirt from when you spilled your cup earlier. Gosh, that felt like ages ago.

"You usually treat prisoners so nicely?" you joked.

"I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about. You guys know what she's talking about?" he asked the others as they stood up and began to file out of the room.

"Ah, so being marched at gunpoint to an interrogation doesn't ring any bells?"

"If this was an interrogation, then you were easy to break. Couldn't get you to shut up could we?"

You feigned an insulted look as you punched his shoulder on your way by.

"Watch it new girl, I remember everything, and I hold grudges, don't forget that."

The rest of the team continued down the hallway, while Tony led you to an elevator. You realized the compound had five floors in the main part. The elevator stopped on the third floor.

"Most of the team's bedrooms are on this floor, with the exception of me, who naturally gets the pent-house up top when I stay here."

"Yeah naturally."

"Being the billionaire genius behind everything you ooo and awe at has its perks."

The third floor had a large common room area with some chairs and a couch. The room had two walls that were entirely windows, positioned on opposite sides of the room. The other two sides of the rectangular room had the entrance to a hallway. So, from where you stood after walking out of the elevator you could either go left or right. Tony took you across the room to the hallway on the right, leading you down to the end. He opened the last door on the right, sticking his hand out towards the room and stepping aside.

"Well, here you are."

You couldn't believe you were getting a room in the Avengers compound.

"What, did you honestly expect a dungeon or something?" he said, indicating he had witnessed the look of disbelief on your face.

"No, it's not that," you laughed, "I just can't believe that Tony Stark walked me to my room in the Avengers compound."

"Well, not to give you a heart attack or anything, but you'll also be eating dinner with us and seeing us rather frequently."

You nodded at him, smiling like a fool again.

"And stop looking at me like that, I feel like a circus attraction when you do nothing but stare."

"If there is one thing we both know, it's that you never say no to attention."

"God, this whole 'you knowing everything about us' gig is going to get annoying real soon isn't it?"

"I generally tend to be annoying with or without unnaturally freakish information."

"No wonder your universe flushed you down a portal."

"Thank you for the room, Tony," you laughed.

"I'll have some clothes left outside your door. There should be a robe in the closet already. Turn left when you get out of the elevator and keep walking, you can't miss the kitchen. Be down in twenty minutes, I'm ordering chinese. If you're late we'll eat yours too."

You nodded and walked into your room, closing the door behind you. The room resembled that of the one you had seen Wanda in before. There was a large bed, a tv, a desk, nightstands, a large window, a potted plant in the corner, and a decently sized bathroom. The walls were gray with blue trim, the carpet was white, but a big rug was spread out with a gray and blue pattern to match the walls. The bedding was the same shade of Navy blue.

After your quick tour, you paused in the middle of the room. Now left with your first quiet moment since your insane decision to travel worlds, you stared into space as the reality of your situation crashed down on you again. Your chest pounded and you felt both like you were falling and rooted to the ground.

"Nah nah nah, don't freak out," you mumbled to yourself, putting your hand on your forehead. You'd started feeling lightheaded.

This isn't happening, it can't be happening, it's not possible, it's not supposed to be possible. But it is. You're here. Oh God you're here.

"Ah shit," you grunted, rushing to the bathroom to catch your vomit in the toilet.

"Pull yourself together, it's ok, you're ok," you whispered after cleaning up in the sink and splashing some water on your face.  You spent the next minute staring at yourself in the mirror whispering "you're ok" over and over again. "You can do this," you sighed, breathing deeply before forcing yourself to move.

You found the closet near the bathroom and pulled out the robe. After taking a much needed shower, you found the clothes outside of your door and got to work making yourself more presentable. Tony had given you some baggy black sweats and a green hoodie. They were clearly men's clothing, but were only slightly too big. You didn't mind, as the oversized attire made you feel cozy. You brushed your hair out and left it to air dry. Looking in the mirror yet again, you leaned forward and took another deep breath.

"Ok, time to go have dinner with the Avengers."

Loki x Reader: Into the MCUWhere stories live. Discover now