Chapter 6

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Tulip had to attend her piano lesson... Or was it violin?

Whatever the reason was, she had to leave. When I got back to my stand, Landon did not hesitate to get on my nerves. I tried to ignore him and his stupid questions, but it's really hard when they are so stupid. Unfortunately, my shift wasn't done, just because I took a stroll with the princess. I had about 2 hours left. Fuck, it was going to be the worst 2 hours. It started with a nice stroll with Tulip, where I had the pleasure of listening to her soothing voice as she talked about whatever. And then I ended up here, standing in silence beside a dipshit like Landon.

"I'm only asking if she smelled good-"

"Shut the fuck up for god's sake or I will sew your fucking lips together" this was the 100th time I had asked Landon kindly to stop talking.

"You're always so aggressive, Arlys"

The whole two hours were a pattern. Landon asking a stupid question followed by me kindly asking him to shut up, and lastly silence. Well, until the pattern repeated.

"Did she talk about me?"

"No, she doesn't waste her time talking about something useless like you"

"Did she mention if she was a virgin?"

"What the actual fuck, Landon?"

"Oh, I know what this is. You're making it a competition" he said and looked in my direction.

"What do you mean a competition?" I asked him, not returning his look.

"You want to see who of us can sleep with her first. That's why you're trying to spend so much time with her"

This time my head snapped in his direction. I'm sure my face must have looked like a mix of confusion, shock and anger. Landon seemed to be amused by it.

He smiled and looked forwards again and said "Challenge accepted"

I know I shouldn't have. I know the Captain and Colonel. Hell, even the highest-ranked guard in the castle, the Senior Royal Protector, told us no matter what, you must not leave your stand. Only if you are under attack, are you allowed to move. We are a part of the Royal Guard and we have to keep a good reputation.

From one millisecond to another my blood boiled. I let go of the spear I had in my right hand, and Landon didn't even turn his face in my direction, before my fist hit his face. It all happened so quickly. The loud sound of my fist hitting Landon's face appeared quicker than the sound of my spear hitting the ground.

Landon laid on the ground whining like a little bitch. Groaning and whipping the blood away with the sleeve on his uniform.

"Remind me again... of the rules, Arlys" was the first thing he said. "If I remember correctly. You aren't supposed to either leave your stand or hit a fellow guard, correct?" he spat out some blood on the wooden floor. His brown eyes looked up at me, the bitch seemed to be enjoying this.

"Are you going to tell on me to mommy?" I taunted him. Right now, I didn't give a shit. A competition? Tulip wasn't a price he could win and she, especially, wasn't an object for Landon to put his dick into. What was he plotting? Taking her virginity? That was, if she was one. The only way he could do that, was to rape her. Just the thought made me sick. If he did, I would not just kill him, but torture him for god knows how long. I would want him to suffer and cry out in agony.

Landon smirked and slowly began to stand up.

"What happened here?" Shit. I looked at the direction Captain Payne came from. He didn't seem to be pleased, rather he looked like he was ready to kill.

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