25. March

248 16 5

(The next few chapters will be short collections of your time in lockdown, I couldn't figure out how to write this so I wrote it what I thought was clear and easiest. I hope you like it!)

You tapped away at your keyboard, sitting on your couch with your foot propped on your pillow, per Tom's orders. Skoll rested in your side as Hati barked out the window. You sipped your water and looked at Skoll "What's he barking at?" You asked Skoll who didn't move. You shrugged and stood, grabbing your crutch and limped over to the door. Nothing. You looked at Hati again as he continued to bark and sighed, shutting the blinds and locking the back door. You limped back over to the couch and sat down, looking over your screen "Okay, everything's been done... I got all my paperwork done." You said, nodding happily. 

You sat for a moment before "Now what?" You asked aloud then looked at the time, it was only two in the afternoon and you were a bit lonely. You called Sofia but she didn't answer, so you called Tom, who did. He smiled at you, wearing a grey tank top, he seemed to be at his laptop too. "Afternoon" he said "Morning" you said, smiling "I finished all my paperwork and I'm bored, entertain me." You said. He laughed a bit and began typing away "Bold of you to assume I'm done" he said, you groaned in annoyance and flopped backwards "But I'm bored." You said.

He shrugged, continuing to work "We can stay on the call, I'm just gonna be working while we talk." He said. You nodded a little "I guess this is the closest we can get to spending time together... Mind if I practice while you wrap up?" You asked. He arched a brow "Sure." He said "Why would I mind your playing?" You bit your lip and shrugged "I don't know..." you trailed. Though, you did. Deon hated when you practiced and didn't tell him, he'd broken several of your violins because of that.

Tom watched you then crossed his arms "I would love it if you played while I worked." He said. You smiled and nodded, setting the laptop down "Watch the kids" you said before grabbing your crutch. You walked to the bedroom and back, grabbing an old black violin, then sat back on the couch, tucking one leg up as the broken one rested. He glanced up then whistled "What's that one called?" He asked "Widowmaker" you said. He nodded as you raised it up, beginning to tune it as he tapped away "Any requests?" You asked. He thought a moment "I'd appreciate some Michael Jackson." He said, you nodded and sat upright. You softly began playing 'Man in the Mirror' which you know he loved, then slowly segued into 'Smooth Criminal' and finally 'Change'.

You huffed as you finished and looked at the screen, you blushed as you met eyes with him. He had his chin resting in his palm as he stared at you, a soft smile, he wasn't even pretending to work. You smiled "Finish your work?" He shook his head "Not even close" you giggled and covered your face "I'm sorry I wasn't trying to distract you." You said. He chuckled and shook his head "I'm happy to have you distract me, this is giving me a headache." he said, you tilted your head a little. You opened your mouth to offer to help-

'Theres no way you can begin to understand this, just fuck off!'

You bit your lips together and looked down as Deon's words flashed in your head, that happened every now and again.


You looked up to meet Tom's face, he crossed his eyes and jutted his lower jaw out, you snickered and covered your mouth with your sleeve. He chuckled, putting his face back to normal "What was that?" you asked "Distracting you" you smiled and fiddled with your fingers "Thank you" you said. 'He's not Deon, remember?'

"Hey... Can I help with that paperwork?"

"Really? Oh, I would owe you so much, I can make heads or tails of this..."


You arched a brow, stirring your bowl "A youtube profile?" you asked, Sophie rolled her eyes, covering her mouth as she chewed her lunch "Don't give me that." she said. You set down the bowl and crossed your arms "You're suggesting I make youtube videos?" you asked, she nodded "You've got a good camera, just film yourself playing the violin, it'll keep you on a schedule and you can practice." she said. You'd asked her if she had any suggestions for what you can do to keep busy, turns out theres only so much on Netflix before you need to do something.

You nodded as you thought "I guess, couldn't hurt." you said with a shrug "What else you got?" you asked. She set down her food "I'm knocking down a wall in my house" she said, turning the camera to show it already knocked down. You snickered a little "See, I want to but" you said, gesturing at your foot, she readjusted the camera "Write down what you want to do, and think on it. That way when you're better you're itching to do something, you don't do something you regret later." she said. You stared for a moment then shrugged "Makes sense... Do you really think it'll last that long?" she shrugged "With the way its spreading..." you nodded in agreement.

She huffed "Enough about that, I'm late for a zoom meeting. Talk later love?" she asked, you nodded and smiled "Yup! Talk later" you said. She blew a kiss and ended the call, so you picked up the bowl, continuing to stir as you looked around "What do I want to do..." you trailed. The interview flashed in your mind

"I just realized, I can install a library in my upstairs part of my flat with speakers, all my favorite comics, books and mangas, and a mini fridge and not a god damned one of you can stop me"

You smirked a little and nodded "Oh hell yeah" you said, pulling out your phone, writing down the idea. You thought a moment "Maybe some type of workout device..." you trailed then smirked and went shopping for a certain type of device.


You put the violin away, closing the case as Tom clapped over the laptop "That was amazing, your form is perfect even in a chair." he said with a wink. You blushed and pulled the case into your lap, wheeling over to the laptop "Thank you Tom," you said as you passed it, tucking the violin under the bed. You rolled over to the camera and turned it off "This feels weird" you said, he scrunched up his face "You were in a multimillion dollar movie and doing a youtube video feels odd?" he asked. You scoffed a little "No I mean like why am I uploading it? Like I'm saying 'Hey everyone, here me basically sleeping through Disney's 'Hellfire'' Its just practice with judgment." you said. Tom nodded "Its part of the schedule, like Sophie said, film a certain day, edit one and upload another. Its for your brain." he said. You nodded, rolling up to the laptop as it sat on your desk "I suppose" you said, crossing your arms on the edge.

Tom tutted "Don't get too comfortable darling." he said, you arched a brow "Why?" you jumped a moment later as the doorbell rang. You glanced at the door then back at Tom "Better get that" he said, you hesitated for a moment then slowly wheeled to the door, cracking it open slightly, but no one was there. You opened the door and looked down to see a bag and grabbed it. "What's this?" you asked, looking around for someone but they already left. Tom chuckled "She won't be there anymore." he said, you arched a brow and closed the door "Turns out, theres a bookstore near you thats begun delivering during this." he said.

You smiled and opened the bag, in it was several kinds of books, all big "Tom, thats so sweet, thank you" you said, eying the titles. You looked at the laptop as he held up a finger "But wait" he leaned to the side and sat back up, bringing a stack of books that looked the same. You grinned "Whats this?" he leaned on them "I figured we could have our own little book club, read to each other and such." he said.

You blushed badly, biting down on your lip to fight back a huge smile, it was such a sweet gesture, more like a promise to spend time together rather than a gift to keep you busy. You read the spines then stopped on one and arched a brow, side eying him "Whats this one?" you asked "What one?" he sounded so innocent. You pulled out one that showed a half-naked woman in bed a wine glass on her bedside table, with the reflection of a blue-skinned demon with long black hair, and shirtless.


"A book, silly girl."

"This is porn."

"There are intense romance scenes in it."


"There is also a well thought out story-"

"You bought porn. You bought your girlfriend porn, and you want her to read it to you."

"I also got Macbeth."

Overwhelmed-A Tom Hiddleston StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant