Chapter 12

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Arnie’s Pov

I open my eyes and look around, I was alone in a hospital room, than everything came to me.

My grandmother died, and my grandfather handcuffed to a bed upstairs, he had man after man coming in and they paid to use me.

First night I refused and he beat me and then made me lay next to my grandmother’s dead body.

I cried but I still refused so he opted for drugs, he injected crap in my vein and I feared that they might be infected with something.

I gave up and couldn’t fight anymore; I was flying and didn’t feel the pain.

That is until the drugs wear off. I didn’t know what was going on, Brandon and the cops came to save me, and they arrested my grandfather and the man who were in there.

I remember how Brandon said he needed to talk to me when I got better.

I was curious as to what was it he wanted to talk about.

Maybe he wants to be just friends, or maybe he’ll say he loves me and never wants to let me go.

Wishful thinking, but either way I’ll be happy.

We can be happy being friends, but I know we could be happier if we give us a chance.

At the end of the day, this is all on him.

I stare at the TV not really paying attention at what was on, when I heard the door open.

I thought it was a nurse or doctor since they had been coming in and out of here since I woke up.

I was surprised when I saw Brandon here.

He looks different, he seemed happier.

That gave me a little hope thinking that maybe he was happy I was awake.

Maybe just maybe we want the same things.

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