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Luke was smiling. He was smiling for an unknown reason though. Michael was infront of him with another boy on his arm, they were staring so deep in each others eyes that even if Luke shouted "quick! a zombie!" neither of them would turn away. They were lost in each other and as though the rest of the world were dead to them.

Luke looked away. If he stared at them for too long, he kept thinking of how he puked on their table. Calum and Michael had done nothing except confess his love but somehow it brought out the CVS ("Somehow, your childhood Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome is back up. Sorry, Lucas. Take these anti-biotics daily until you feel an improvement. Also sorry for you puking on your date." his docter played on) in him. That's why he puked.

He sat with his legs crossed on his chair. They were eating lunch in the office area, everyone all around. They were open for new workers today seeing as so many interns who were there were just working for expierence to put along side their graduate degree.

Luke came out to his boss and admitted about his drunken braggery. How he didn't really have a wonderful idea for a room and that he couldn't design the interior either. The boss just smiled and nodded, forgiving Luke because of his clean pass. 

The lunch bell rang and most of the workers scattered, including Calum and Michael, but Luke stayed still. He wanted to scout out any fresh blood.

He sipped his coffee and pushed away his grilled cheese as newbies crowded in. They all spotted tables around Luke and lunged for them, avoiding eye-contact with him.

Luke looked down to his plate and at his disgusting lunch. The chair scraping the floor directly to him got his attention from his lunch and brought it to him. The boy had curly hair and a beautiful smile. Luke's heart fluttered and felt the same thing all over again. The boy opened his mouth and Luke wanted to drool at his voice.

"Hi, my name is Ashton."

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