Second Christmas day

Start from the beginning

When they arrived in the kitchen, Louis hopped onto the counter. His mum standing next to him with a worried expression on her face. "Mum, is everything okay?" She took a deep sight and started talking. "Lou, sweetheart, I have to tell you something. And I hate that I have to tell you this on Christmas. But I need to tell you this in person and as soon as possible."

She stopped for a bit, again taking a deep breath. It looked like she was going to cry and Louis really started to be worried now. "It's okay, you can tell me." Louis tried to comfort her, even tho he had no idea what she was going to say.

She turned towards her son, grabbing his small hands in hers. She looked him in the eyed and continued. "I have cancer Louis. It's really bad, the doctor said a chemo wont work and... I probably don't have much longer."

She really broke down crying now. Louis wrapped his arms around her, trying to comfort her and at the same time also trying to understand what she just told him. He felt hot tears streaming over his cheeks but it didn't feel like he was crying.

His mums tears were soaking his sweater and all he did was wrap his arms tighter around her. He was scared to let go.

The words he had just heard broke his heart. He felt a sharp pain in his chest and the tears kept coming.

There they were. Standing alone in the kitchen. Arms wrapped around each other tighter than you could ever imagine. They heard the soft mumbles of their family talking in the living room but all they could think about at that moment was them.

Louis breathed in his mums smell. Her lavender perfume was familiar and soothed him a bit before his mind went back to why they were here and he broke down again.

His mum grabbed his hand and squeezed it before pulling back. Louis didn't want to let go, but he did. He was scared for what she was going to say but on the other hand he really wanted her to just say it. He wanted her to tell him every thought she had, before it was too late.

She looked him deeply in his eyes and started to speak again, this time it was softer than before due to the sniffling in-between. "Mark knows... and Lottie, but the twins don't. They're too know to understand it. Mark will take care of your sisters, Lou. I just, I cant believe I'll leave you all alone." She cried but her words were clear in Louis' eyes. It was silent for a while, both of them not knowing what to say.

It was Jay who broke the silence again. "And Louis, I- I need you to be strong for me. Now... but also, after I'm gone. Just know I will still be with you, right here." She placed both their hands on his heart, feeling it beath a steady rhythm.

His mum stopped crying a couple minutes ago, she probably already shed too many while telling Robin and Lottie. But his own tears never seemed to stop. "Oh baby, I love you so much." The said before wrapping here crying son in a warm hug. "I love you so much mum." Louis sniffled and placed his face in her neck.

They stood there, Jay swaying them from side to side a bit trying to comfort her son. She kept mumbling soft and comforting sounds in his ear but nothing seemed to work.

His tears had stopped now, his cheeks pale and the stains of dried tears on them. They both heard a voice coming from the living room, it was Robin. "Honey, are you coming, we have to go. The twins have swimming lessons remember?"

Right... life had to go on. Even if, for them, it felt like it just stopped for a second.

They broke apart. Anne stroked her hand across Louis' cheek. Louis tried to smile a bit, crying wasn't going to solve anything, but it was hard.

You could see the pain in his eyes, but he tried to hide it when they walked back into the living room. Harry's family really had to go, so they quickly said there goodbyes, not commenting about on Louis' and his mums red rimmed eyes.

After Anne, Robin and Gemma left they also said their goodbyes to Louis's family. Jay and Louis sharing one, last tight hug. Louis took a deep breath, trying to remember the lavender scent forever and mumbling "Thanks for the necklace mum, its stunning." They broke apart and Jay, Mark and their daughters got in the car and drove away.

The two boys closed the door when the car was out of sight and Harry immediately grabbed Louis' petite hand in his and leaded them into the living room and onto the couch. He held his hands as he asked: "What's wrong baby. I've never seen you this sad." Louis looked away. His mind too flushed with the moments of earlier. But after Harry asked another time and gave his hand a soft squeeze he was brought back and answered.

"My mum has cancer."


Also, I wanted to say: yes, the characters may have changed a bit from the first few chapters. I hope you guys don't mind. And if you do, tough luck :)

All the love <3

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