Monday, November 29 2021, 10:46

10 1 4

i got fourth chair for concert band! my audition didn't go as well as i had hoped but im still pretty proud of myself for getting fourth chair as a freshman. i also play first part so that's cool

sorry for not updating this book, a lot has been going on :/

but also, a couple weeks ago we had our last blast concert. it was fun, there were a lot of tears, but i felt really helpful cause i put the tarps down and set up the chairs and stuff. i think our band directors noticed so that'll look good for a field commander application lmao. i didn't get any of the rookie awards, cause it's all a popularity contest. one of our bass drums got best marcher but he can't march for shit :/

sorry i'm trying not to be salty it just annoys me. BUT the rest of the concert was good. i got my numbers for my varsity jacket. the funny thing was the 2 and the 5 are almost identical, just flipped, so our bd kept giving people doubles. i got two fives so i just traded with someone who got two twos lmfao

idk how much i'll be updating this anymore, there isn't a lot to talk about for concert band. 

question of the entry - 

this is dumb but have you watched this brass quintet of sleigh ride? it's absolutely hilarious. i'm probably the only one who finds it funny but still, i put the link in the comments :)

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